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Translation for Translators - Psalms - Psalms 89

Psalms 89:24-31

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24I will always be loyal to him and faithfully love him and enable him to defeat MET his enemies.
25I will cause ◄his kingdom/the area that he rules► to include all the land from the Mediterranean Sea to the Euphrates River.
26He will say to me, ‘You are my Father, my God, the one who protects MET and saves me.’
27I will give him the rights/privileges that a man's firstborn son has MET; he will be the greatest king on the earth.
28I will always be loyal to him, and my agreement to bless him will last forever.
29I will establish a line of his descendants that will never end, various ones of his descendants will always be kings.
30But, if some of his descendants disobey my laws, and do not not behave like my commands say that they should,
31if they disregard my requirements and do not do the right things that I have told them to do,

Read Psalms 89Psalms 89
Compare Psalms 89:24-31Psalms 89:24-31