10 For thou art full great, and making marvels, (or For thou art very great, and doing marvellous deeds); thou art God alone.
11 Lord, lead thou me forth in thy way, and I shall enter in thy truth; mine heart be glad, that it dread thy name. (Lord, lead thou me forth in thy way, and I shall walk in thy truth; let my heart be glad, that I fear thy name or that I revere thy name.)
12 My Lord God, I shall acknowledge to thee in all mine heart; and I shall glorify thy name into without end. (My Lord God, I shall praise thee with all my heart; and I shall glorify thy name forever.)
13 For thy mercy is great on me; and thou deliveredest my soul from the lower hell. (For thy love is great towards me; and thou hast rescued my soul from the depths of Sheol, or the land of the dead, or and thou hast rescued my soul from the grave itself.)