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Bible in Basic English - Psalms - Psalms 81

Psalms 81:1-9

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1To the chief music-maker; put to the Gittith. Of Asaph. Make a song to God our strength: make a glad cry to the God of Jacob.
2Take up the melody, playing on an instrument of music, even on corded instruments.
3Let the horn be sounded in the time of the new moon, at the full moon, on our holy feast-day:
4For this is a rule for Israel, and a law of the God of Jacob.
5He gave it to Joseph as a witness, when he went out over the land of Egypt; then the words of a strange tongue were sounding in my ears.
6I took the weight from his back; his hands were made free from the baskets.
7You gave a cry in your trouble, and I made you free; I gave you an answer in the secret place of the thunder; I put you to the test at the waters of Meribah. (Selah.)
8Give ear, O my people, and I will give you my word, O Israel, if you will only do as I say!
9There is to be no strange god among you; you are not to give worship to any other god.

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