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Geneva Bible 1599 - Psalms - Psalms 78

Psalms 78:47-52

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47He destroied their vines with haile, and their wilde figge trees with the hailestone.
48He gaue their cattell also to the haile, and their flockes to the thunderboltes.
49Hee cast vpon them the fiercenesse of his anger, indignation and wrath, and vexation by the sending out of euill Angels.
50He made a way to his anger: he spared not their soule from death, but gaue their life to the pestilence,
51And smote al the firstborne in Egypt, euen the beginning of their strength in the tabernacles of Ham.
52But hee made his people to goe out like sheepe, and led them in the wildernes like a flocke.

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