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Geneva Bible 1599 - Psalms - Psalms 78

Psalms 78:42-60

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42They remembered not his hand, nor the day when he deliuered them from the enemie,
43Nor him that set his signes in Egypt, and his wonders in the fielde of Zoan,
44And turned their riuers into blood, and their floods, that they could not drinke.
45Hee sent a swarme of flies among them, which deuoured them, and frogs, which destroyed them.
46He gaue also their fruites vnto the caterpiller, and their labour vnto the grassehopper.
47He destroied their vines with haile, and their wilde figge trees with the hailestone.
48He gaue their cattell also to the haile, and their flockes to the thunderboltes.
49Hee cast vpon them the fiercenesse of his anger, indignation and wrath, and vexation by the sending out of euill Angels.
50He made a way to his anger: he spared not their soule from death, but gaue their life to the pestilence,
51And smote al the firstborne in Egypt, euen the beginning of their strength in the tabernacles of Ham.
52But hee made his people to goe out like sheepe, and led them in the wildernes like a flocke.
53Yea, he caried them out safely, and they feared not, and the Sea couered their enemies.
54And he brought them vnto the borders of his Sanctuarie: euen to this Mountaine, which his right hand purchased.
55He cast out the heathe also before them, and caused them to fall to the lot of his inheritance, and made the tribes of Israel to dwell in their tabernacles.
56Yet they tempted, and prouoked the most high God, and kept not his testimonies,
57But turned backe and delt falsely like their fathers: they turned like a deceitfull bowe.
58And they prouoked him to anger with their high places, and mooued him to wrath with their grauen images.
59God heard this and was wroth, and greatly abhorred Israel,
60So that hee forsooke the habitation of Shilo, euen the Tabernacle where hee dwelt among men,

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