3 I was mindful of God, and I delighted, and I was exercised; and my spirit failed. (I remembered God, and I was troubled, and I was upset; and my spirit failed.)
4 Mine eyes before took wakings; I was troubled, and I spake not. (My eyes opened in the morning; I was troubled, and I did not speak.)
5 I thought eld days; and I had in mind everlasting years. (I thought about the old days; I remembered the years long ago.)
6 And I thought (deeply) in the night with mine heart; and I was exercised (or and I was upset), and I cleansed my spirit.
7 Whether God shall cast away into without end; either shall he not lay to, that he be more pleased yet? (Shall God throw us away, or reject us, forever? shall he never be pleased with us again?)