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Unlocked Literal Bible - Psalms - Psalms 76

Psalms 76:2-11

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2His tent is in Salem; his dwelling place is in Zion.
3There he broke the arrows of the bow, the shield, the sword, and the other weapons of war. Selah
4You shine brightly and reveal your glory, as you descend from the mountains, where you killed your victims.
5The bravehearted were plundered; they fell asleep. All the warriors were helpless.
6At your rebuke, God of Jacob, both rider and horse fell asleep.
7You, yes you, are to be feared; who can stand in your sight when you are angry?
8From heaven you made your judgment heard; the earth was afraid and silent
9when you, God, arose to execute judgment and to save all the oppressed of the earth. Selah
10Surely your angry judgment against humanity will bring you praise; you gird yourself with what is left of your anger.
11Make vows to Yahweh your God and keep them. May all who surround him bring gifts to him who is to be feared.

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