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Open English Bible (U. S. spelling) - Psalms - Psalms 74

Psalms 74:14-19

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14It was you who did crush many-headed Leviathan, and give him as food to the beasts of the wilderness.
15It was you who did cleave the fountains and torrents; it was you who did dry the perennial streams.
16Yours is the day; yours, too, is the night, it was you who did establish the sun and the star.
17It was you who did fix all the borders of earth: summer and winter it's you who have made them.
18Yet, for all this, the foe has insulted you, Lord, and a nation of fools has reviled your name.
19Do not give your dove to the beasts, do not forget your afflicted forever.

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Compare Psalms 74:14-19Psalms 74:14-19