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Translation for Translators - Psalms - Psalms 73

Psalms 73:19-27

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19They will be destroyed instantly; they will die in terrible ways.
20They will disappear as quickly as a dream disappears when a person awakes in the morning; Lord, when you arise, you will ◄cause them to disappear/forget all about them►.
21When I felt sad/bitter , and brokenhearted,
22I was stupid and ignorant, and I behaved like an animal toward you.
23But I am always close to you, and you hold my hand.
24You guide me by teaching me, and ◄at the end of my life/when I die►, you will receive me and honor me.
25You are in heaven and I belong to you RHQ, and there is nothing on this earth that I desire more than that.
26My body and my mind may become very weak, but God, you continue to enable me to be strong; I belong to you forever.
27Those who remain far from you will be destroyed; you will get rid of those who abandon you.

Read Psalms 73Psalms 73
Compare Psalms 73:19-27Psalms 73:19-27