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Psalms 73:1-6 in English

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Psalms 73:1-6 in American Standard Version (1901)

1 A Psalm of Asaph. Surely God is good to Israel, Even to such as are pure in heart.
2 But as for me, my feet were almost gone; My steps had well nigh slipped.
3 For I was envious at the arrogant, When I saw the prosperity of the wicked.
4 For there are no pangs in their death; But their strength is firm.
5 They are not in trouble as other men; Neither are they plagued like other men.
6 Therefore pride is as a chain about their neck; Violence covereth them as a garment.
Psalms 73 in American Standard Version (1901)

Psalms 73:1-6 in Brenton Septuagint Translation

1 A Psalm of instruction for Asaph. Wherefore hast thou rejected us, O God, for ever? wherefore is thy wrath kindled against the sheep of thy pasture?
2 Remember thy congregation which thou hast purchased from the beginning; thou didst ransom the rod of thine inheritance; this mount Sion wherein thou hast dwelt.
3 Lift up thine hands against their pride continually; because of all that the enemy has done wickedly in thy holy places.
4 And they that hate thee have boasted in the midst of thy feast; they have set up their standards for signs,
5 ignorantly as it were in the entrance above;
6 they cut down its doors at once with axes as in a wood of trees; they have broken it down with hatchet and stone cutter.
Psalms 73 in Brenton Septuagint Translation

Psalms 73:1-6 in King James Version + Apocrypha

1 A Psalm of Asaph. Truly God is good to Israel, even to such as are of a clean heart.
2 But as for me, my feet were almost gone; my steps had well nigh slipped.
3 For I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.
4 For there are no bands in their death: but their strength is firm.
5 They are not in trouble as other men; neither are they plagued like other men.
6 Therefore pride compasseth them about as a chain; violence covereth them as a garment.
Psalms 73 in King James Version + Apocrypha

Psalms 73:1-6 in King James (Authorized) Version

1 A Psalm of Asaph. Truly God is good to Israel, even to such as are of a clean heart.
2 But as for me, my feet were almost gone; my steps had well nigh slipped.
3 For I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.
4 For there are no bands in their death: but their strength is firm.
5 They are not in trouble as other men; neither are they plagued like other men.
6 Therefore pride compasseth them about as a chain; violence covereth them as a garment.
Psalms 73 in King James (Authorized) Version

Psalms 73:1-6 in LXX2012: Septuagint in American English 2012

1 (74) A Psalm of instruction for Asaph. Therefore have you rejected us, O God, for ever? therefore is your wrath kindled against the sheep of your pasture?
2 Remember your congregation which you have purchased from the beginning; you did ransom the rod of your inheritance; this mount Sion wherein you have lived.
3 Lift up your hands against their pride continually; because of all that the enemy has done wickedly in your holy places.
4 And they that hate you have boasted in the midst of your feast; they have set up their standards for signs,
5 ignorantly as it were in the entrance above;
6 they cut down its doors at once with axes as in a wood of trees; they have broken it down with hatchet and stone cutter.
Psalms 73 in LXX2012: Septuagint in American English 2012

PSALMS 73:1-6 in Revised Version with Apocrypha (1895)

1 A Psalm of Asaph. Surely God is good to Israel, even to such as are pure in heart.
2 But as for me, my feet were almost gone; my steps had well nigh slipped.
3 For I was envious at the arrogant, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.
4 For there are no bands in their death: but their strength is firm.
5 They are not in trouble as other men; neither are they plagued like other men.
6 Therefore pride is as a chain about their neck; violence covereth them as a garment.
PSALMS 73 in Revised Version with Apocrypha (1895)

Psalms 73:1-6 in Translation for Translators

1 God truly is good to us Israeli people, to those who totally want to do all that God desires.
2 As for me, I almost stopped trusting in God; it was as though my feet slipped and I stumbled MET,
3 because I envied those who proudly said that they did not need God, and I saw that they prospered even though they were wicked.
4 Those people do not have any pains; they are always strong and healthy.
5 They do not have the troubles/difficulties that other people have; they do not have problems like others do.
6 So they are proud, and their being proud is like a necklace that they show to others, and they show off their violent actions like people show off their beautiful robes.
Psalms 73 in Translation for Translators

Psalms 73:1-6 in LXX2012: Septuagint in British/International English 2012

1 (74) A Psalm of instruction for Asaph. Therefore have you rejected us, O God, for ever? therefore is your wrath kindled against the sheep of your pasture?
2 Remember your congregation which you have purchased from the beginning; you did ransom the rod of your inheritance; this mount Sion wherein you have lived.
3 Lift up your hands against their pride continually; because of all that the enemy has done wickedly in your holy places.
4 And they that hate you have boasted in the midst of your feast; they have set up their standards for signs,
5 ignorantly as it were in the entrance above;
6 they cut down its doors at once with axes as in a wood of trees; they have broken it down with hatchet and stone cutter.
Psalms 73 in LXX2012: Septuagint in British/International English 2012

Psalms 73:1-6 in World English Bible with Deuterocanon

1 A Psalm by Asaph. Surely God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart.
2 But as for me, my feet were almost gone. My steps had nearly slipped.
3 For I was envious of the arrogant, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.
4 For there are no struggles in their death, but their strength is firm.
5 They are free from burdens of men, neither are they plagued like other men.
6 Therefore pride is like a chain around their neck. Violence covers them like a garment.
Psalms 73 in World English Bible with Deuterocanon

Psalms 73:1-6 in World English Bible (Catholic)

1 A Psalm by Asaph. Surely God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart.
2 But as for me, my feet were almost gone. My steps had nearly slipped.
3 For I was envious of the arrogant, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.
4 For there are no struggles in their death, but their strength is firm.
5 They are free from burdens of men, neither are they plagued like other men.
6 Therefore pride is like a chain around their neck. Violence covers them like a garment.
Psalms 73 in World English Bible (Catholic)

Psalms 73:1-6 in World English Bible British Edition with Deuterocanon

1 A Psalm by Asaph. Surely God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart.
2 But as for me, my feet were almost gone. My steps had nearly slipped.
3 For I was envious of the arrogant, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.
4 For there are no struggles in their death, but their strength is firm.
5 They are free from burdens of men, neither are they plagued like other men.
6 Therefore pride is like a chain around their neck. Violence covers them like a garment.
Psalms 73 in World English Bible British Edition with Deuterocanon

Psalms 73:1-6 in Bible in Basic English

1 A Psalm. Of Asaph. Truly, God is good to Israel, even to such as are clean in heart.
2 But as for me, my feet had almost gone from under me; I was near to slipping;
3 Because of my envy of the men of pride, when I saw the well-being of the wrongdoers.
4 For they have no pain; their bodies are fat and strong.
5 They are not in trouble as others are; they have no part in the unhappy fate of men.
6 For this reason pride is round them like a chain; they are clothed with violent behaviour as with a robe.
Psalms 73 in Bible in Basic English

Psalms 73:1-6 in Darby Translation

1 A Psalm of Asaph. Truly God is good to Israel, to such as are of a pure heart.
2 But as for me, my feet were almost gone, my steps had well nigh slipped;
3 For I was envious at the arrogant, seeing the prosperity of the wicked.
4 For they have no pangs in their death, and their body is well nourished;
5 They have not the hardships of mankind, neither are they plagued like other men:
6 Therefore pride encompasseth them as a neck-chain, violence covereth them as a garment;
Psalms 73 in Darby Translation

Psalms 73:1-6 in Douay-Rheims 1899

1 Understanding for Asaph. O God, why hast thou cast us off unto the end: why is thy wrath enkindled against the sheep of thy pasture?
2 Remember thy congregation, which thou hast possessed from the beginning. The sceptre of thy inheritance which thou hast redeemed: mount Sion in which thou hast dwelt.
3 Lift up thy hands against their pride unto the end; see what things the enemy hath done wickedly in the sanctuary.
4 And they that hate thee have made their boasts, in the midst of thy solemnity. They have set up their ensigns for signs,
5 And they knew not both in the going out and on the highest top. As with axes in a wood of trees,
6 They have cut down at once the gates thereof, with axe and hatchet they have brought it down.
Psalms 73 in Douay-Rheims 1899

Psalms 73:1-6 in Free Bible Version

1 A psalm of Asaph. Truly God is good to Israel, to those whose minds are pure.
2 But I was stumbling, my feet were starting to slide,
3 because I was jealous of self-important people—I saw how well the wicked were doing.
4 They don't ever seem to get sick; they are strong and healthy.
5 They don't have problems like other people; they don't get hit by disasters like everybody else.
6 They wear their pride like a necklace; they clothe themselves with violence.
Psalms 73 in Free Bible Version

Psalms 73:1-6 in Geneva Bible 1599

1 A Psalme committed to Asaph. Yet God is good to Israel: euen, to the pure in heart.
2 As for me, my feete were almost gone: my steps had well neere slipt.
3 For I feared at the foolish, when I sawe the prosperitie of the wicked.
4 For there are no bandes in their death, but they are lustie and strong.
5 They are not in trouble as other men, neither are they plagued with other men.
6 Therefore pride is as a chayne vnto them, and crueltie couereth them as a garment.
Psalms 73 in Geneva Bible 1599

Psalms 73:1-6 in JPS TaNaKH 1917

1 BOOK III A Psalm of Asaph. Surely God is good to Israel, even to such as are pure in heart.
2 But as for me, my feet were almost gone; my steps had well nigh slipped.
3 For I was envious at the arrogant, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.
4 For there are no pangs at their death, and their body is sound.
5 In the trouble of man they are not; neither are they plagued like men.
6 Therefore pride is as a chain about their neck; violence covereth them as a garment.
Psalms 73 in JPS TaNaKH 1917

Psalms 73:1-6 in KJV Cambridge Paragraph Bible

1 A Psalm of Asaph. Truly God is good to Israel, Even to such as are of a clean heart.
2 But as for me, my feet were almost gone; My steps had well nigh slipt.
3 For I was envious at the foolish, When I saw the prosperity of the wicked.
4 For there are no bands in their death: But their strength is firm.
5 They are not in trouble as other men; Neither are they plagued like other men.
6 Therefore pride compasseth them about as a chain; Violence covereth them as a garment.
Psalms 73 in KJV Cambridge Paragraph Bible

Psalms 73:1-6 in Isaac Leeser Tanakh

1 BOOK THIRD: “A Psalm of Assaph.” Truly God is good to Israel, to such as are pure of heart.
2 But as for me, it lacked but little that my feet had been moved: almost nothing was needed that my steps had slipped.
3 For I was envious at the arrogant, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.
4 For there are no deadly fetters for them, but their strength is firm.
5 They share not in the trouble of mortals, and with men are they not afflicted.
6 Therefore is pride their neck-chain: violence envelopeth them as a garment.
Psalms 73 in Isaac Leeser Tanakh

Psalms 73:1-6 in Updated Brenton English Septuagint

1 A Psalm of instruction for Asaph. Wherefore hast thou rejected us, O God, forever? Wherefore is thy wrath kindled against the sheep of thy pasture?
2 Remember thy congregation which thou hast purchased from the beginning; Thou didst ransom the rod of thine inheritance; This Mount Zion wherein thou hast dwelt.
3 Lift up thy hands against their pride continually; Because of all that the enemy has done wickedly in thy holy places.
4 And they that hate thee have boasted in the midst of thy feast; They have set up their standards for signs,
5 Ignorantly as it were in the entrance above;
6 They cut down its doors at once with axes as in a wood of trees; They have broken it down with hatchet and stone cutter.
Psalms 73 in Updated Brenton English Septuagint

Psalms 73:1-6 in Nyangumarta English Bible

Psalms 73:1-6 don't exist in Nyangumarta English Bible.

Psalms 73:1-6 in George Noyes Bible

1 “BOOK III. A psalm of Asaph.” Truly God is good to Israel,—To those who are pure in heart.
2 Yet my feet almost gave way; My steps had well nigh slipped:
3 For I was envious of the proud, When I saw the prosperity of the wicked.
4 For they have no pains even to their death; Their bodies are in full health.
5 They have not the woes of other men, Neither are they smitten like other men.
6 Therefore pride encircleth their neck as a collar; Violence covereth them as a garment.
Psalms 73 in George Noyes Bible

Psalms 73:1-6 in Open English Bible (Commonwealth Spelling)

1 A psalm of Asaph. Yes, God is good to the upright, the Lord to the pure in heart.
2 But my feet were almost gone, my steps had nearly slipped,
3 through envy of godless braggarts, when I saw how well they fared.
4 For never a pang have they, their body is sound and sleek.
5 They have no trouble like mortals, no share in human pain.
6 So they wear their pride like a necklace, they put on the garment of wrong,
Psalms 73 in Open English Bible (Commonwealth Spelling)

Psalms 73:1-6 in Open English Bible (U. S. spelling)

1 A psalm of Asaph. Yes, God is good to the upright, the Lord to the pure in heart.
2 But my feet were almost gone, my steps had nearly slipped,
3 through envy of godless braggarts, when I saw how well they fared.
4 For never a pang have they, their body is sound and sleek.
5 They have no trouble like mortals, no share in human pain.
6 So they wear their pride like a necklace, they put on the garment of wrong,
Psalms 73 in Open English Bible (U. S. spelling)

Psalms [Praises] 73:1-6 in One Unity Resource Bible

1 Surely God is good to Israel God prevails, to those who are pure in heart.
2 But as for me, my feet were almost gone. My steps had nearly slipped.
3 For I was envious of the arrogant, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.
4 For there are no struggles in their death, but their strength is firm.
5 They are free from burdens of men, neither are they plagued like other men.
6 Therefore pride is like a chain around their neck. Violence covers them like a garment.
Psalms [Praises] 73 in One Unity Resource Bible

Psalms 73:1-6 in Unlocked Literal Bible

1 A psalm of Asaph. Surely God is good to Israel, to those with a pure heart.
2 But as for me, my feet almost slipped; my feet almost slipped out from under me
3 because I was envious of the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.
4 For they have no pain until their death, but they are strong and well fed.
5 They are free from the burdens of other men; they are not afflicted like other men.
6 Pride adorns them like a necklace around their neck; violence clothes them like a robe.
Psalms 73 in Unlocked Literal Bible

Psalms 73:1-6 in World English Bible

1 A Psalm by Asaph. Surely God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart.
2 But as for me, my feet were almost gone. My steps had nearly slipped.
3 For I was envious of the arrogant, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.
4 For there are no struggles in their death, but their strength is firm.
5 They are free from burdens of men, neither are they plagued like other men.
6 Therefore pride is like a chain around their neck. Violence covers them like a garment.
Psalms 73 in World English Bible

Psalms 73:1-6 in World English Bible British Edition

1 A Psalm by Asaph. Surely God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart.
2 But as for me, my feet were almost gone. My steps had nearly slipped.
3 For I was envious of the arrogant, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.
4 For there are no struggles in their death, but their strength is firm.
5 They are free from burdens of men, neither are they plagued like other men.
6 Therefore pride is like a chain around their neck. Violence covers them like a garment.
Psalms 73 in World English Bible British Edition

Psalms 73:1-6 in Noah Webster Bible

1 A Psalm of Asaph. Truly God is good to Israel, even to such as are of a clean heart.
2 But as for me, my feet were almost gone; my steps had well nigh slipped.
3 For I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.
4 For there are no bands in their death: but their strength is firm.
5 They are not in trouble as other men; neither are they afflicted like other men.
6 Therefore pride encompasseth them as a chain; violence covereth them as a garment.
Psalms 73 in Noah Webster Bible

Psalms 73:1-6 in World Messianic Bible

1 A Psalm by Asaph. Surely God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart.
2 But as for me, my feet were almost gone. My steps had nearly slipped.
3 For I was envious of the arrogant, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.
4 For there are no struggles in their death, but their strength is firm.
5 They are free from burdens of men, neither are they plagued like other men.
6 Therefore pride is like a chain around their neck. Violence covers them like a garment.
Psalms 73 in World Messianic Bible

Psalms 73:1-6 in World Messianic Bible British Edition

1 A Psalm by Asaph. Surely God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart.
2 But as for me, my feet were almost gone. My steps had nearly slipped.
3 For I was envious of the arrogant, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.
4 For there are no struggles in their death, but their strength is firm.
5 They are free from burdens of men, neither are they plagued like other men.
6 Therefore pride is like a chain around their neck. Violence covers them like a garment.
Psalms 73 in World Messianic Bible British Edition

Psalms 73:1-6 in Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling

1 The psalm of Asaph. God of Israel is full good; to them that be of rightful or right heart.
2 But my feet were moved almost; my steps were shed or poured out almost.
3 For I loved fervently on wicked men; seeing the peace of sinners.
4 For beholding is not to the death of them; and steadfastness in the sick-ness of them.
5 They be not in travail of other men; and they shall not be beaten with men.
6 Therefore pride hath held them; they were covered with their wicked-ness and unfaithfulness.

Psalms 73:1-6 in Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling (Enhanced)

1 The psalm of Asaph. God of Israel is full good; to them that be of rightful heart. (A song by Asaph. The God of Israel is very good; to those who have an upright heart.)
2 But my feet were moved almost; my steps were shed out almost. (But my feet almost stumbled; my steps almost slipped.)
3 For I loved fervently on wicked men; seeing the peace of sinners. (For I envied the wicked; when I saw the prosperity of the sinners.)
4 For beholding is not to the death of them; and steadfastness in the sickness of them. (For it seemed that they never die; yea, they always be strong, and never get sick.)
5 They be not in travail of (other) men; and they shall not be beaten with men. (They do not have trouble, or tribulation, like other people do; and they be not beaten down like others be.)
6 Therefore pride hath held them; they were covered with their wickedness and unfaithfulness.

Psalms 73:1-6 in Young's Literal Translation

1 A Psalm of Asaph. Only — good to Israel is God, to the clean of heart. And I — as a little thing, My feet have been turned aside,
2 As nothing, have my steps slipped, For I have been envious of the boastful,
3 The peace of the wicked I see, That there are no bands at their death,
4 And their might is firm.
5 In the misery of mortals they are not, And with common men they are not plagued.
6 Therefore hath pride encircled them, Violence covereth them as a dress.