8I praise you all day long, and I proclaim that you are glorious/wonderful.
9Now, when I have become an old man, do not reject/abandon me; do not abandon me now, when I am not strong anymore.
10My enemies say that they want to kill me; they plan together how they can do that.
11They say about me, “God has abandoned him; so now we can pursue him and seize him, because there is no one who will rescue him.”
12God, do not stay far away from me; hurry to help me!
13Cause those who ◄accuse me/say that I have done things that are wrong► to be defeated and destroyed; cause those who want to harm me to be shamed and disgraced.
14But as for me, I will continually and confidently expect you to do great things for me, and I will praise you more and more.
15I will tell people that you do what is right; all day long I will tell people how you have saved me, although what you have done is more than I can fully understand.