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Bible Ni Thothup - Psalms - Psalms 69

Psalms 69:16-19

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16SOMOL, mu fulweg taban e meybil u fanam gol ko fare t’ufeg rom ni dabimus; mu changar ngog u fithik’ gelngin e runguy rom ni ba ga’!
17Dab mmithegem rok e tapigpig rom; ku gu par nga fithik’ e oloboch nib gel, mu fulweg taban e meybil rog e chiney!
18Moy ngog ngam ayuwegneg; mu lagneg u pa’ e pi to’ogor rog.
19Ga manang rogon e thin nib kireb ni yibe yog ngog, nga rogon ni yibe tamra’ nigeg ma yibe darifan nigeg; ga be guy urngin e to’ogor rog.

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