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Open English Bible (Commonwealth Spelling) - Psalms - Psalms 68

Psalms 68:18-23

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18You did mount the height with trains of your captives, and gifts that you had received from the people. The rebels shall live with the Lord God.
19Blest be the Lord who sustains us daily, the God who is also our saviour. Selah
20Our God is a God who is saviour. The ways of escape from death are known to the Lord God.
21Yes, God will shatter the head of his foes the rough scalp of those who strut on in their sins.
22The Lord said: “I will bring you home from Bashan, home from the depths of the sea,
23that your feet you may bathe in blood, and your dogs lick their share of the foe.”

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Compare Psalms 68:18-23Psalms 68:18-23