1God, arise and scatter your enemies, and cause those who hate you to run away from you.
2Like wind blows smoke away, chase your enemies away. Like wax melts when it is near a fire, cause wicked people to ◄disappear/be destroyed►.
3But righteous people should be joyful; they should rejoice when they are in God's presence; they should be happy, and be very joyful.
4Sing to God; sing to praise him; sing a song (OR, make a road) for him who rides on the clouds; his name is Yahweh; be glad when you are in his presence.
5God, who lives in his sacred temple, is like MET a father to those who are orphans, and he is the one who protects widows.
6For those who have no one to live with, he provides families to live with. He frees prisoners and enables them to be successful, but those who rebel against him will be forced to live in a very hot and dry land.
7God, you led your people out of Egypt, and then you marched with them through the desert.
8After you did that, because when you, the God worshiped by us Israeli people, appeared to us at Sinai Mountain,, the earth shook, and rain poured down from the sky.
9You caused plenty of rain to fall on your land*, and so you enabled good crops to grow again on the land that you gave to us Israelis.
10Your people built homes there; and because you were good to them, you provided food for those who were poor.
11The Lord gave a message, and many women took that message to other places.
12They proclaimed, “Many kings and their armies are running away from our army!” When our army brought back to their homes the things that they captured, the women who were at home divided up those things among themselves and among their families.
13Even those women who were in the pens taking care of the sheep received some of those things; they got statues of doves whose wings were covered with silver and whose feathers were covered with pure yellow gold.
14When Almighty God scattered the enemy kings and their armies, the number of weapons that they abandoned there seemed like there had been a snowstorm on Zalmon (OR, a black) Mountain.
15There is a very high mountain in the Bashan region, a mountain which has many peaks.
16But the people who live near that mountain should not RHQ envy those who live near Zion, the mountain on which God chose to live! Yahweh will live there forever!
17After we defeated all our enemies, it was as though the Lord, surrounded by many thousands of strong chariots, descended from Sinai Mountain and came into the sacred temple in Jerusalem.