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Translation for Translators - Psalms - Psalms 59

Psalms 59:1-12

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1God, save me from my enemies! Protect me from those who want to attack me!
2Rescue me from men who want to do what is wicked, men who are murderers!
3Look! They are waiting to kill me! Fierce men have gathered to assault me. Yahweh, they are doing that even though I have not done what is wrong!
4It is not because I have committed any sin against them that they run and get ready to attack me.
5Yahweh my God, commander of the armies of heaven, the one we Israelis worship, arise and punish the ungodly/heathen people of all the nations; do not be merciful to those wicked people who have ◄acted treacherously toward/secretly planned to harm► us.
6They return each evening, snarling like vicious dogs SIM as they prowl around this city.
7They loudly say terrible things; they say MTY many things that injure people like MET swords do, but they think, “No one will RHQ hear us!”
8But Yahweh, you laugh at them. You ◄scoff at/ridicule► the people of the pagan nations.
9God, I have confidence in you because you are very strong; you are my refuge.
10Because you love me, you will come to save me; you will allow me to watch while you defeat my enemies.
11But do not kill them immediately in order that my people will not forget how you punished them! Instead, Lord, you who are like a shield that protects us MET, scatter them by your power, and then defeat them.
12Because what they say MTY is sinful, allow them to be trapped for being proud. Because they are always cursing and telling lies,

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