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Bible Ni Thothup - Psalms - Psalms 50

Psalms 50:6-9

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6Tharmiy e be weliy feni bmat’aw Got, ya ir e ma pufthin.
7“Mmotoyilgad, e girdi’ rog, ya nggu non; Israel, gur e bay gu welthin nib togopluw ngom. Gag Got, ni Got rom.
8Dagur puwan’ ngomed ni bochan e pi maligach romed nge pi maligach ni mo’oruf ni gimed be fek i yib ngog ni gubin ngiyal’.
9Dawor gum’ ni bochan e pi garbaw ni pumo’on ko yungi milay’ romed ara pi kaming u fithik’ e yuran’ i gamanman romed;

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