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Open English Bible (Commonwealth Spelling) - Psalms - Psalms 38

Psalms 38:7-15

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7My loins are filled with burning, and in my flesh is no soundness.
8I am utterly crushed and numb; I cry louder than lion roars.
9Lord, you know all that I long for, my groans are not hidden from you.
10My heart is throbbing, my strength has failed me. The light of my eyes— even it is gone from me.
11My dear ones and friends keep aloof, and my neighbours stand afar off.
12They who aim at my life lay their snares, they who seek my hurt speak of ruin, nursing treachery all the day long.
13But I turn a deaf ear and hear not; like the dumb I open not my mouth.
14I am like one without hearing, with no arguments in my mouth.
15For my hope, O Lord, is in you. You will answer, O Lord my God,

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