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Geneva Bible 1599 - Psalms - Psalms 31

Psalms 31:15-23

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15My times are in thine hande: deliuer mee from the hande of mine enemies, and from them that persecute me.
16Make thy face to shine vpon thy seruant, and saue me through thy mercie.
17Let me not be confounded, O Lord: for I haue called vpon thee: let the wicked bee put to confusion, and to silence in the graue.
18Let the lying lips be made dumme, which cruelly, proudly and spitefully speake against the righteous.
19Howe great is thy goodnesse, which thou hast layde vp for them, that feare thee! and done to them, that trust in thee, euen before the sonnes of men!
20Thou doest hide them priuily in thy presence from the pride of men: thou keepest them secretly in thy Tabernacle from the strife of tongues.
21Blessed be the Lord: for hee hath shewed his marueilous kindenesse toward me in a strong citie.
22Though I said in mine haste, I am cast out of thy sight, yet thou heardest the voyce of my prayer, when I cryed vnto thee.
23Loue ye the Lord all his Saintes: for the Lord preserueth the faithfull, and rewardeth abundantly the proud doer.

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