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Isaac Leeser Tanakh - Psalms - Psalms 22

Psalms 22:21-30

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21(22:22) Save me from the lion's mouth; as thou hast answered me from the horns of the reem.
22(22:23) I will relate thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee.
23(22:24) Ye that fear the Lord, praise him; all ye the seed of Jacob, glorify him; and be in dread of him, all ye the seed of Israel.
24(22:25) For he hath not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the poor; neither hath he hidden his face from him; but when he cried unto him, he heard.
25(22:26) Of thee shall be my praise in a great assembly: my vows will I pay in the presence of those who fear him.
26(22:27) The meek shall eat and be satisfied; they who seek him shall praise the Lord: may your heart live for ever.
27(22:28) All the ends of the world shall remember and return unto the Lord: and all the families of the nations shall bow themselves down before thee.
28(22:29) For the kingdom is the Lord's, and he governeth the nations.
29(22:30) All they that eat the fat of the earth shall bow themselves down; before him shall bend the knee all that are going down into the dust; for none can keep alive his own soul.
30(22:31) Distant ages shall serve him; there shall be related of the Lord unto future generations.

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