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Unlocked Literal Bible - Psalms - Psalms 18

Psalms 18:22-33

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22For all his righteous decrees have been before me; as for his statutes, I have not turned away from them.
23I have also been innocent before him, and I have kept myself from sin.
24Therefore Yahweh has restored me because of my righteousness, because my hands were clean before his eyes.
25To anyone who is faithful, you show yourself to be faithful; to a man who is blameless, you show yourself to be blameless.
26To anyone who is pure, you show yourself pure; but you are clever toward anyone who is twisted.
27For you save afflicted people, but you bring down those with proud, uplifted eyes!
28For you give light to my lamp; Yahweh my God lights up my darkness.
29For by you I can run over a barricade; by my God I can leap over a wall.
30As for God—his way is perfect! The word of Yahweh is pure! He is a shield to everyone who takes refuge in him.
31For who is God except Yahweh? Who is a rock except our God?
32It is God who puts strength on me like a belt, who places the blameless person on his path.
33He makes my feet swift like a deer and places me on the heights!

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