12 That they make thy power known to the sons of men (or So that they make known thy power to all the people); and the glory of the magnificence of thy realm.
13 Thy realm is the realm of all worlds; and thy lordship is in all generation and into generation, (or Thy kingdom is a kingdom forever; and thy lordship, or thy rule, is for all generations). The Lord is faithful in all his words; and holy in all his works.
14 The Lord lifteth up all that fall down; and raiseth up all men hurtled down. (The Lord lifteth up all who fall down; and raiseth up all who be hurtled down.)
15 Lord, the eyes of all beasts hope in thee; and thou givest the meat of them in covenable time. (Lord, the eyes of all look with hope to thee; and thou givest them their food at the proper time.)
16 Thou openest thine hand; and thou ful fillest each beast with blessing. (Thou openest thy hand; and thou fulfillest each living creature with blessing or with what they need, or desire.)
17 The Lord is just in all his ways; and holy in all his works.
18 The Lord is nigh to all that inwardly call him; to all that inwardly call him in truth. (The Lord is near, or close, to all who call to him; to all who call to him in truth, or with sincerity.)
19 He shall do the will of them, that dread him; and he shall hear the beseeching of them, and he shall make them safe. (He shall fulfill the desires of those who fear him or of those who revere him; he shall hear their pleas, and he shall save them.)
20 The Lord keepeth all men loving him; and he shall lose all sinners. (The Lord keepeth safe all those who love him; but he shall destroy all the sinners.)