96 I saw the end of all end; thy commandment is full large. (I have seen the end of the end or I have seen that all things must end; but thy commandment shall go on forever.)
97 Mem. Lord, how loved I thy law; all day it is my thinking. (Lord, how I love thy Law! I think about it all day long.)
98 Above mine enemies thou madest me prudent by thy commandment; for it is to me into without end. (By thy commandments, thou hast made me more prudent than all my enemies; for thy commandments shall be with me forever.)
99 I understood over all men teaching me; for thy witnessings is my thinking. (I have more understanding than all those who teach me; because I think about thy teachings.)
100 I understood above eld men; for I sought thy commandments. (I have more understanding than the old men, that is, the elders; because I have kept thy precepts.)
101 I forbade my feet from all evil way; that I keep thy words (or so that I obey thy commands).
102 I bowed not from thy dooms; for thou hast set law to me. (I turned not away from thy judgements; for thou thyself hast taught me.)
103 Thy speeches be full sweet to my cheeks; above honey to my mouth. (Thy words be exceedingly sweet to my taste; yea, sweeter in my mouth than honey.)
104 I understood of thy behests; therefore I hated all the ways of wickedness. (I gained understanding through thy precepts; and now I hate all wicked ways.)
105 Nun. Thy word is a lantern to my feet; and (a) light to my paths.
106 I swore, and purposed steadfastly; to keep the dooms of thy rightfulness. (I swore, and steadfastly purposed, to obey thy righteous judgements.)
107 I am made low by all things; Lord, quicken thou me by thy word. (I am brought down so very low, that is, I am greatly afflicted; Lord, grant thou me life according to thy word.)
108 Lord, make thou well pleasing the willful things of my mouth; and teach thou me thy dooms. (Lord, accept thou the willing offerings, or the tributes, from my mouth; and teach thou me thy judgements.)
109 My soul is evermore in mine hands; and I forgat not thy law. (My life is in my hands forevermore or My life is always in my hands; yet I never forget thy Law.)
110 Sinners setted a snare to me; and I erred not from thy commandments. (Sinners set a snare for me; but I did not stray from thy precepts.)
111 I purchased thy witnessings by heritage into without end; for those be the full joying of mine heart. (Thy teachings be my inheritance forever; yea, they be the full out joy of my heart.)
112 I bowed mine heart to do thy justifyings into without end; for reward. (I committed my heart to follow thy statutes; for they be my reward forever or for they shall be my reward until the day I die.)
113 Samech. I hated wicked men; and I loved thy law. (I hate the wicked; but I love thy Law.)
114 Thou art mine helper, and mine up-taker; and I hoped more in thy word. (Thou art my helper, and my defender; I put my hope in thy word.)
115 Ye wicked men, bow away from me; and I shall seek the commandments of my God. (All ye wicked people, go away from me; so that I can obey my God’s commandments.)
116 Up-take thou me by thy word, and I shall live; and shame thou not me for mine abiding. (Lift up thou me or Strengthen thou me according to thy word, so that I may live; and do not let me be shamed for trusting in thee.)
117 Help thou me, and I shall be safe; and I shall bethink evermore in thy justifyings. (Help thou me, and I shall be saved; and I shall think about thy statutes forevermore.)
118 Thou hast forsaken all men going away from thy dooms; for the thought of them is unjust. (Thou hast abandoned all who stray, or who go away, from thy statutes; for their thoughts be not just, or proper.)
119 I areckoned all the sinners of earth (to be) breakers of the law; therefore I loved thy witnessings. (Thou reckonest all the wicked of the earth to be but drit, or dirt; and so I love thy teachings.)
120 Nail thou my flesh with thy dread; for I dreaded of thy dooms. (My flesh shaketh in fear of thee; because I fear thy judgements or because I revere thy justice.)
121 Ain. I did doom and rightwiseness; betake thou not me to them that falsely challenge me. (I did what is just and right; so do not thou deliver me up to those who will oppress me.)
122 Take up thy servant into goodness; they that be proud challenge not me. (Yea, protect thy servant; let not those who be proud oppress me.)