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Psalms 119:87-101 in English

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Psalms 119:87-101 in American Standard Version (1901)

87 They had almost consumed me upon earth; But I forsook not thy precepts.
88 Quicken me after thy lovingkindness; So shall I observe the testimony of thy mouth.
89 For ever, O Jehovah, Thy word is settled in heaven.
90 Thy faithfulness is unto all generations: Thou hast established the earth, and it abideth.
91 They abide this day according to thine ordinances; For all things are thy servants.
92 Unless thy law had been my delight, I should then have perished in mine affliction.
93 I will never forget thy precepts; For with them thou hast quickened me.
94 I am thine, save me; For I have sought thy precepts.
95 The wicked have waited for me, to destroy me; But I will consider thy testimonies.
96 I have seen an end of all perfection; But thy commandment is exceeding broad.
97 Oh how love I thy law! It is my meditation all the day.
98 Thy commandments make me wiser than mine enemies; For they are ever with me.
99 I have more understanding than all my teachers; For thy testimonies are my meditation.
100 I understand more than the aged, Because I have kept thy precepts.
101 I have refrained my feet from every evil way, That I might observe thy word.
Psalms 119 in American Standard Version (1901)

Psalms 119:87-101 in Brenton Septuagint Translation

Psalms 119:87-101 don't exist in Brenton Septuagint Translation.
Psalms 119 in Brenton Septuagint Translation

Psalms 119:87-101 in King James Version + Apocrypha

87 They had almost consumed me upon earth; but I forsook not thy precepts.
88 Quicken me after thy lovingkindness; so shall I keep the testimony of thy mouth.
89 For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven.
90 Thy faithfulness is unto all generations: thou hast established the earth, and it abideth.
91 They continue this day according to thine ordinances: for all are thy servants.
92 Unless thy law had been my delights, I should then have perished in mine affliction.
93 I will never forget thy precepts: for with them thou hast quickened me.
94 I am thine, save me; for I have sought thy precepts.
95 The wicked have waited for me to destroy me: but I will consider thy testimonies.
96 I have seen an end of all perfection: but thy commandment is exceeding broad.
97 O how love I thy law! it is my meditation all the day.
98 Thou through thy commandments hast made me wiser than mine enemies: for they are ever with me.
99 I have more understanding than all my teachers: for thy testimonies are my meditation.
100 I understand more than the ancients, because I keep thy precepts.
101 I have refrained my feet from every evil way, that I might keep thy word.
Psalms 119 in King James Version + Apocrypha

Psalms 119:87-101 in King James (Authorized) Version

87 They had almost consumed me upon earth; but I forsook not thy precepts.
88 Quicken me after thy lovingkindness; so shall I keep the testimony of thy mouth.
89 For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven.
90 Thy faithfulness is unto all generations: thou hast established the earth, and it abideth.
91 They continue this day according to thine ordinances: for all are thy servants.
92 Unless thy law had been my delights, I should then have perished in mine affliction.
93 I will never forget thy precepts: for with them thou hast quickened me.
94 I am thine, save me; for I have sought thy precepts.
95 The wicked have waited for me to destroy me: but I will consider thy testimonies.
96 I have seen an end of all perfection: but thy commandment is exceeding broad.
97 O how love I thy law! it is my meditation all the day.
98 Thou through thy commandments hast made me wiser than mine enemies: for they are ever with me.
99 I have more understanding than all my teachers: for thy testimonies are my meditation.
100 I understand more than the ancients, because I keep thy precepts.
101 I have refrained my feet from every evil way, that I might keep thy word.
Psalms 119 in King James (Authorized) Version

Psalms 119:87-101 in LXX2012: Septuagint in American English 2012

Psalms 119:87-101 don't exist in LXX2012: Septuagint in American English 2012.
Psalms 119 in LXX2012: Septuagint in American English 2012

PSALMS 119:87-101 in Revised Version with Apocrypha (1895)

87 They had almost consumed me upon earth; but I forsook not thy precepts.
88 Quicken me after thy lovingkindness; so shall I observe the testimony of thy mouth.
89 For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven.
90 Thy faithfulness is unto all generations: thou hast established the earth, and it abideth.
91 They abide this day according to thine ordinances; for all things are thy servants.
92 Unless thy law had been my delight, I should then have perished in mine affliction.
93 I will never forget thy precepts; for with them thou hast quickened me.
94 I am thine, save me; for I have sought thy precepts.
95 The wicked have waited for me to destroy me; but I will consider thy testimonies.
96 I have seen an end of all perfection; but thy commandment is exceeding broad.
97 Oh how love I thy law! it is my meditation all the day.
98 Thy commandments make me wiser than mine enemies; for they are ever with me.
99 I have more understanding than all my teachers; for thy testimonies are my meditation.
100 I understand more than the aged, because I have kept thy precepts.
101 I have refrained my feet from every evil way, that I might observe thy word.
PSALMS 119 in Revised Version with Apocrypha (1895)

Psalms 119:87-101 in Translation for Translators

87 Those people have almost killed me, but I have not stopped obeying ◄your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do►.
88 Because you faithfully love me, allow me to continue to live in order that I may continue to obey ◄your rules/what you have instructed us to do►.
89 Yahweh, your words will last forever; they will last as long as heaven lasts.
90 You will faithfully continue doing ◄ for people who are not yet born/in every generation► what you have ◄promised/said that you would do►; you have put the earth in its place, and it remains firmly there.
91 To this day, all things on the earth remain because you decided that they should remain; everything on the earth serves you.
92 If I had not been delighted in obeying your laws, I would have died because of what I was suffering.
93 I will never forget ◄your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do►, because as a result of my obeying them you have enabled me to continue to live.
94 I belong to you; save/rescue me from my enemies, because I have tried to obey ◄your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do►.
95 Wicked men are waiting to kill me, but I will think about /what you have instructed us to do.
96 I have learned that there is a limit/end for everything, but what you command ◄has no limits/never ends►.
97 I love your laws very much. I ◄meditate on/think about► them all during the day.
98 Because I know ◄your commands/what you have commanded►, and because I think about them all the time, I have become wiser than my enemies.
99 I understand more than my teachers do, because I ◄meditate on/think about► ◄your requirements/what you have instructed us to do►.
100 I understand more than many old people do, because I obey ◄your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do►.
101 I have avoided all evil behavior in order that I may obey ◄your words/what you have told us to do►.
Psalms 119 in Translation for Translators

Psalms 119:87-101 in LXX2012: Septuagint in British/International English 2012

Psalms 119:87-101 don't exist in LXX2012: Septuagint in British/International English 2012.
Psalms 119 in LXX2012: Septuagint in British/International English 2012

Psalms 119:87-101 in World English Bible with Deuterocanon

87 They had almost wiped me from the earth, but I didn’t forsake your precepts.
88 Preserve my life according to your loving kindness, so I will obey the statutes of your mouth.
89 LAMEDH Yahweh, your word is settled in heaven forever.
90 Your faithfulness is to all generations. You have established the earth, and it remains.
91 Your laws remain to this day, for all things serve you.
92 Unless your law had been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction.
93 I will never forget your precepts, for with them, you have revived me.
94 I am yours. Save me, for I have sought your precepts.
95 The wicked have waited for me, to destroy me. I will consider your statutes.
96 I have seen a limit to all perfection, but your commands are boundless.
97 MEM How I love your law! It is my meditation all day.
98 Your commandments make me wiser than my enemies, for your commandments are always with me.
99 I have more understanding than all my teachers, for your testimonies are my meditation.
100 I understand more than the aged, because I have kept your precepts.
101 I have kept my feet from every evil way, that I might observe your word.
Psalms 119 in World English Bible with Deuterocanon

Psalms 119:87-101 in World English Bible (Catholic)

87 They had almost wiped me from the earth, but I didn’t forsake your precepts.
88 Preserve my life according to your loving kindness, so I will obey the statutes of your mouth.
89 LAMEDH Yahweh, your word is settled in heaven forever.
90 Your faithfulness is to all generations. You have established the earth, and it remains.
91 Your laws remain to this day, for all things serve you.
92 Unless your law had been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction.
93 I will never forget your precepts, for with them, you have revived me.
94 I am yours. Save me, for I have sought your precepts.
95 The wicked have waited for me, to destroy me. I will consider your statutes.
96 I have seen a limit to all perfection, but your commands are boundless.
97 MEM How I love your law! It is my meditation all day.
98 Your commandments make me wiser than my enemies, for your commandments are always with me.
99 I have more understanding than all my teachers, for your testimonies are my meditation.
100 I understand more than the aged, because I have kept your precepts.
101 I have kept my feet from every evil way, that I might observe your word.
Psalms 119 in World English Bible (Catholic)

Psalms 119:87-101 in World English Bible British Edition with Deuterocanon

87 They had almost wiped me from the earth, but I didn’t forsake your precepts.
88 Preserve my life according to your loving kindness, so I will obey the statutes of your mouth.
89 LAMEDH LORD, your word is settled in heaven forever.
90 Your faithfulness is to all generations. You have established the earth, and it remains.
91 Your laws remain to this day, for all things serve you.
92 Unless your law had been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction.
93 I will never forget your precepts, for with them, you have revived me.
94 I am yours. Save me, for I have sought your precepts.
95 The wicked have waited for me, to destroy me. I will consider your statutes.
96 I have seen a limit to all perfection, but your commands are boundless.
97 MEM How I love your law! It is my meditation all day.
98 Your commandments make me wiser than my enemies, for your commandments are always with me.
99 I have more understanding than all my teachers, for your testimonies are my meditation.
100 I understand more than the aged, because I have kept your precepts.
101 I have kept my feet from every evil way, that I might observe your word.
Psalms 119 in World English Bible British Edition with Deuterocanon

Psalms 119:87-101 in Bible in Basic English

87 They had almost put an end to me on earth; but I did not give up your orders.
88 Give me life in your mercy; so that I may be ruled by the unchanging word of your mouth.
89 LAMED For ever, O Lord, your word is fixed in heaven.
90 Your faith is unchanging from generation to generation: you have put the earth in its place, and it is not moved.
91 They are ruled this day by your decisions; for all things are your servants.
92 If your law had not been my delight, my troubles would have put an end to me.
93 I will ever keep your orders in mind; for in them I have life.
94 I am yours, O be my saviour; for my desire has been for your rules.
95 The sinners have been waiting for me to give me up to destruction; but I will give all my mind to your unchanging ward.
96 I have seen that nothing on earth is complete; but your teaching is very wide.
97 MEM O what love I have for your law! I give thought to it all the day.
98 Your teaching has made me wiser than my haters: for it is mine for ever.
99 I have more knowledge than all my teachers, because I give thought to your unchanging word.
100 I have more wisdom than the old, because I have kept your orders.
101 I have kept back my feet from all evil ways, so that I might be true to your word.
Psalms 119 in Bible in Basic English

Psalms 119:87-101 in Darby Translation

87 They had almost consumed me upon the earth; but as for me, I forsook not thy precepts.
88 Quicken me according to thy loving-kindness, and I will keep the testimony of thy mouth.
89 LAMED. For ever, O Jehovah, thy word is settled in the heavens.
90 Thy faithfulness is from generation to generation: thou hast established the earth, and it standeth.
91 By thine ordinances they stand this day; for all things are thy servants.
92 Unless thy law had been my delight, I should then have perished in mine affliction.
93 I will never forget thy precepts; for by them thou hast quickened me.
94 I am thine, save me; for I have sought thy precepts.
95 The wicked have awaited me to destroy me; but I attend unto thy testimonies.
96 I have seen an end of all perfection: thy commandment is exceeding broad.
97 MEM. Oh how I love thy law! it is my meditation all the day.
98 Thy commandments make me wiser than mine enemies; for they are ever with me.
99 I have more understanding than all my teachers; for thy testimonies are my meditation.
100 I understand more than the aged, because I have observed thy precepts.
101 I have refrained my feet from every evil path, that I might keep thy word.
Psalms 119 in Darby Translation

Psalms 119:87-101 in Douay-Rheims 1899

Psalms 119:87-101 don't exist in Douay-Rheims 1899.
Psalms 119 in Douay-Rheims 1899

Psalms 119:87-101 in Free Bible Version

87 They have almost killed me, but I have not given up on what you say.
88 Since you love me with your trustworthy love, don't let me die, so I can go on following the instructions you have given.
89 Lamedh Your word, Lord, lasts forever. It stands firm in the heavens.
90 Your faithfulness lasts for all generations, as permanent as the earth you created.
91 Your judgments stand—they are as true today as ever—for everything serves your will.
92 If I didn't love your teachings, my suffering would have killed me.
93 I will never forget your instructions, for through them you give me life.
94 I belong to you, so please save me! I am committed to following your rules.
95 Even though wicked people are waiting to ambush and kill me, I will focus my mind on what you say.
96 I recognize that human perfection has its limits, but your law is limitless.
97 Mem I really love your law! I meditate on it all day long.
98 Your commands make me wiser than my enemies, for I'm always thinking about your instructions.
99 In fact I have a better insight than all of my teachers because I spend time concentrating on what you say.
100 I even understand more than the elders because I follow your directions.
101 I avoid any course of action that leads to evil, because I want to remain faithful to your word.
Psalms 119 in Free Bible Version

Psalms 119:87-101 in Geneva Bible 1599

87 They had almost consumed me vpon the earth: but I forsooke not thy precepts.
88 Quicken me according to thy louing kindnes: so shall I keepe the testimony of thy mouth.
89 LAMED. O Lord, thy worde endureth for euer in heauen.
90 Thy trueth is from generation to generation: thou hast layed the foundation of the earth, and it abideth.
91 They continue euen to this day by thine ordinances: for all are thy seruants.
92 Except thy Lawe had bene my delite, I should now haue perished in mine affliction.
93 I wil neuer forget thy precepts: for by them thou hast quickened me.
94 I am thine, saue me: for I haue sought thy precepts.
95 The wicked haue waited for me to destroy me: but I will consider thy testimonies.
96 I haue seene an ende of all perfection: but thy commandement is exceeding large.
97 MEM. Oh howe loue I thy Lawe! it is my meditation continually.
98 By thy commandements thou hast made mee wiser then mine enemies: for they are euer with mee.
99 I haue had more vnderstading then all my teachers: for thy testimonies are my meditation.
100 I vnderstoode more then the ancient, because I kept thy precepts.
101 I haue refrained my feete from euery euil way, that I might keepe thy word.
Psalms 119 in Geneva Bible 1599

Psalms 119:87-101 in JPS TaNaKH 1917

87 They had almost consumed me upon earth; but as for me, I forsook not Thy precepts.
88 Quicken me after Thy lovingkindness, and I will observe the testimony of Thy mouth.
89 LAMED. For ever, O LORD, Thy word standeth fast in heaven.
90 Thy faithfulness is unto all generations; Thou hast established the earth, and it standeth.
91 They stand this day according to Thine ordinances; for all things are Thy servants.
92 Unless Thy law had been my delight, I should then have perished in mine affliction.
93 I will never forget Thy precepts; for with them Thou hast quickened me.
94 I am Thine, save me; for I have sought Thy precepts.
95 The wicked have waited for me to destroy me; but I will consider Thy testimonies.
96 I have seen an end to every purpose; but Thy commandment is exceeding broad.
97 MEM. O how love I Thy law! It is my meditation all the day.
98 Thy commandments make me wiser than mine enemies: for they are ever with me.
99 I have more understanding than all my teachers; for Thy testimonies are my meditation.
100 I understand more than mine elders, because I have keep Thy precepts.
101 I have refrained my feet from every evil way, in order that I might observe Thy word.
Psalms 119 in JPS TaNaKH 1917

Psalms 119:87-101 in KJV Cambridge Paragraph Bible

87 (כ) They had almost consumed me upon earth; But I forsook not thy precepts.
88 (כ) Quicken me after thy lovingkindness; So shall I keep the testimony of thy mouth.
89 (ל) For ever, O Lord, Thy word is settled in heaven.
90 (ל) Thy faithfulness is unto all generations: Thou hast established the earth, and it abideth.
91 (ל) They continue this day according to thine ordinances: For all are thy servants.
92 (ל) Unless thy law had been my delights, I should then have perished in mine affliction.
93 (ל) I will never forget thy precepts: For with them thou hast quickened me.
94 (ל) I am thine, save me; For I have sought thy precepts.
95 (ל) The wicked have waited for me to destroy me: But I will consider thy testimonies.
96 (ל) I have seen an end of all perfection: But thy commandment is exceeding broad.
97 (מ) O how love I thy law! It is my meditation all the day.
98 (מ) Thou through thy commandments hast made me wiser than mine enemies: For they are ever with me.
99 (מ) I have more understanding than all my teachers: For thy testimonies are my meditation.
100 (מ) I understand more than the ancients, Because I keep thy precepts.
101 (מ) I have refrained my feet from every evil way, That I might keep thy word.
Psalms 119 in KJV Cambridge Paragraph Bible

Psalms 119:87-101 in Isaac Leeser Tanakh

87 But little was wanting that they had consumed me upon earth; but I have truly not forsaken thy precepts.
88 According to thy kindness give me life, that I may observe the testimony of thy mouth.
89 LAMED. To eternity, O Lord, standeth firm thy word with the heavens.
90 Unto all generations endureth thy faithfulness: thou hast established the earth, and she standeth.
91 According to thy ordinances they exist this day: for all are thy servants.
92 Unless thy law had been my delights, I should long since have been lost in my affliction.
93 Never will I forget thy precepts; for with them thou hast kept me alive.
94 Thine am I, save me; for thy precepts have I sought.
95 Wicked men have waited for me to destroy me; but I will reflect on thy testimonies.
96 Of all perfection have I seen the end; but thy commandment is exceedingly extended.
97 MEM. Oh how do I love thy law! all the day is it my meditation.
98 Wiser than my enemy doth thy commandment make me; for it is perpetually with me.
99 Above all my teachers have I obtained intelligence; for thy testimonies are my meditation.
100 More than the elders do I possess understanding; because thy precepts do I keep.
101 From every evil path have I withholden my feet, in order that I might observe thy word.
Psalms 119 in Isaac Leeser Tanakh

Psalms 119:87-101 in Updated Brenton English Septuagint

Psalms 119:87-101 don't exist in Updated Brenton English Septuagint.
Psalms 119 in Updated Brenton English Septuagint

Psalms 119:87-101 in Nyangumarta English Bible

Psalms 119:87-101 don't exist in Nyangumarta English Bible.

Psalms 119:87-101 in George Noyes Bible

87 They had almost consumed me from the earth; But I forsook not thy precepts.
88 Quicken me according to thy loving-kindness, That I may keep the law of thy mouth!
89 Thy word, O LORD! abideth for ever, Being established like the heavens;
90 Thy faithfulness endureth to all generations. Thou hast established the earth, and it abideth.
91 They continue to this day according to their ordinances; For they are all subject to thee.
92 Had not thy law been my delight, I should have perished in my affliction.
93 I will never forget thy precepts; For by them thou revivest me.
94 I am thine, help me! For I seek thy precepts.
95 The wicked lie in wait to destroy me; But I will have regard to thine ordinances.
96 I have seen an end of all perfection; But thy law is exceeding broad.
97 O how I love thy law! It is my daily meditation.
98 Thou hast made me wiser than my enemies by thy precepts; For they are ever before me.
99 I have more understanding than all my teachers; For thine ordinances are my meditation.
100 I have more wisdom than the ancients, Because I keep thy precepts.
101 I have restrained my feet from every evil way, That I might keep thy word.
Psalms 119 in George Noyes Bible

Psalms 119:87-101 in Open English Bible (Commonwealth Spelling)

87 They had nearly made an end of me, yet I did not forget your precepts.
88 Spare me in your kindness, and I will observe the charge of your mouth.
89 Forever, O Lord, is your word fixed firmly in the heavens.
90 Your truth endures age after age; it is established on earth, and it stands.
91 By your appointment they stand this day, for all are your servants.
92 Had not your law been my joy, in my misery then had I perished.
93 I will never forget your precepts, for through them you have put life in me.
94 I am yours, O save me, for I give my mind to your precepts.
95 The wicked lay wait to destroy me, but I give heed to your charge.
96 I have seen a limit to all things: but your commandment is spacious exceedingly.
97 O how I love your law! All the day long I muse on it.
98 Your commandment makes me wiser than my enemies: for it is mine forever.
99 I am prudent above all my teachers, for your charges are my meditation.
100 I have insight more than the aged, because I observe your precepts.
101 I refrain my foot from all wicked ways, that I may keep your word.
Psalms 119 in Open English Bible (Commonwealth Spelling)

Psalms 119:87-101 in Open English Bible (U. S. spelling)

87 They had nearly made an end of me, yet I did not forget your precepts.
88 Spare me in your kindness, and I will observe the charge of your mouth.
89 Forever, O Lord, is your word fixed firmly in the heavens.
90 Your truth endures age after age; it is established on earth, and it stands.
91 By your appointment they stand this day, for all are your servants.
92 Had not your law been my joy, in my misery then had I perished.
93 I will never forget your precepts, for through them you have put life in me.
94 I am yours, O save me, for I give my mind to your precepts.
95 The wicked lay wait to destroy me, but I give heed to your charge.
96 I have seen a limit to all things: but your commandment is spacious exceedingly.
97 O how I love your law! All the day long I muse on it.
98 Your commandment makes me wiser than my enemies: for it is mine forever.
99 I am prudent above all my teachers, for your charges are my meditation.
100 I have insight more than the aged, because I observe your precepts.
101 I refrain my foot from all wicked ways, that I may keep your word.
Psalms 119 in Open English Bible (U. S. spelling)

Psalms [Praises] 119:87-101 in One Unity Resource Bible

87 They had almost wiped me from the earth, but I didn’t forsake your precepts.
88 Preserve my life according to your cheshed ·loving-kindness·, so I will obey the testimonies of your mouth. LAMED
89 Adonai , your word is settled in heaven forever.
90 Your faithfulness is to all generations. You have established the earth, and it remains.
91 Your judgments remain to this day, for all things serve you.
92 Unless your Torah ·Teaching· had been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction.
93 I will never forget your precepts, for with them, you have revived me.
94 I am yours. Save me, for I have sought your precepts.
95 The wicked have waited for me, to destroy me. I will consider your testimonies.
96 I have seen a limit to all perfection, but your mitzvot ·instructions· are boundless. MEM
97 How I 'ahav ·affectionately love· your Torah ·Teaching·! It is my meditation all day.
98 I am wiser than my enemies, for your mitzvot ·instructions· are always with me.
99 I have more understanding than all my teachers, for your testimonies are my meditation.
100 I understand more than the aged, because I have kept your precepts.
101 I have kept my feet from every evil way, that I might observe your word.
Psalms [Praises] 119 in One Unity Resource Bible

Psalms 119:87-101 in Unlocked Literal Bible

87 They have almost made an end to me on earth, but I do not reject your instructions.
88 By your steadfast love, keep me alive, so that I may obey your commands.
89 Yahweh, your word stands forever; your word is established firmly in heaven.
90 Your faithfulness lasts for all generations; you have established the earth, and it remains.
91 All things continue to this day, just as you said in your righteous decrees, for all things are your servants.
92 If your law had not been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction.
93 I will never forget your instructions, for through them you have kept me alive.
94 I am yours; save me, for I seek your instructions.
95 The wicked prepare to destroy me, but I will seek to understand your covenant decrees.
96 I have seen that everything has its limits, but your commandments are broad, beyond limits.
97 Oh how I love your law! It is my meditation all day long.
98 Your commandments make me wiser than my enemies, for your commandments are always with me.
99 I have more understanding than all my teachers, for I meditate on your covenant decrees.
100 I understand more than those older than I am; this is because I have kept your instructions.
101 I have kept my feet back from every evil path so that I might observe your word.
Psalms 119 in Unlocked Literal Bible

Psalms 119:87-101 in World English Bible

87 They had almost wiped me from the earth, but I didn’t forsake your precepts.
88 Preserve my life according to your loving kindness, so I will obey the statutes of your mouth.
89 LAMEDH Yahweh, your word is settled in heaven forever.
90 Your faithfulness is to all generations. You have established the earth, and it remains.
91 Your laws remain to this day, for all things serve you.
92 Unless your law had been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction.
93 I will never forget your precepts, for with them, you have revived me.
94 I am yours. Save me, for I have sought your precepts.
95 The wicked have waited for me, to destroy me. I will consider your statutes.
96 I have seen a limit to all perfection, but your commands are boundless.
97 MEM How I love your law! It is my meditation all day.
98 Your commandments make me wiser than my enemies, for your commandments are always with me.
99 I have more understanding than all my teachers, for your testimonies are my meditation.
100 I understand more than the aged, because I have kept your precepts.
101 I have kept my feet from every evil way, that I might observe your word.
Psalms 119 in World English Bible

Psalms 119:87-101 in World English Bible British Edition

87 They had almost wiped me from the earth, but I didn’t forsake your precepts.
88 Preserve my life according to your loving kindness, so I will obey the statutes of your mouth.
89 LAMEDH LORD, your word is settled in heaven forever.
90 Your faithfulness is to all generations. You have established the earth, and it remains.
91 Your laws remain to this day, for all things serve you.
92 Unless your law had been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction.
93 I will never forget your precepts, for with them, you have revived me.
94 I am yours. Save me, for I have sought your precepts.
95 The wicked have waited for me, to destroy me. I will consider your statutes.
96 I have seen a limit to all perfection, but your commands are boundless.
97 MEM How I love your law! It is my meditation all day.
98 Your commandments make me wiser than my enemies, for your commandments are always with me.
99 I have more understanding than all my teachers, for your testimonies are my meditation.
100 I understand more than the aged, because I have kept your precepts.
101 I have kept my feet from every evil way, that I might observe your word.
Psalms 119 in World English Bible British Edition

Psalms 119:87-101 in Noah Webster Bible

87 They had almost consumed me upon earth; but I forsook not thy precepts.
88 Revive me after thy loving-kindness; so shall I keep the testimony of thy mouth.
89 LAMED. For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven.
90 Thy faithfulness is to all generations: thou hast established the earth, and it abideth.
91 They continue this day according to thy ordinances: for all are thy servants.
92 Unless thy law had been my delights, I should then have perished in my affliction.
93 I will never forget thy precepts: for with them thou hast revived me.
94 I am thine, save me; for I have sought thy precepts.
95 The wicked have waited for me to destroy me: but I will consider thy testimonies.
96 I have seen an end of all perfection: but thy commandment is exceeding broad.
97 MEM. O how I love thy law! it is my meditation all the day.
98 Thou through thy commandments hast made me wiser than my enemies: for they are ever with me.
99 I have more understanding than all my teachers: for thy testimonies are my meditation.
100 I understand more than the ancients, because I keep thy precepts.
101 I have refrained my feet from every evil way, that I might keep thy word.
Psalms 119 in Noah Webster Bible

Psalms 119:87-101 in World Messianic Bible

87 They had almost wiped me from the earth, but I didn’t forsake your precepts.
88 Preserve my life according to your loving kindness, so I will obey the statutes of your mouth.
89 LAMEDH LORD, your word is settled in heaven forever.
90 Your faithfulness is to all generations. You have established the earth, and it remains.
91 Your laws remain to this day, for all things serve you.
92 Unless your Torah had been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction.
93 I will never forget your precepts, for with them, you have revived me.
94 I am yours. Save me, for I have sought your precepts.
95 The wicked have waited for me, to destroy me. I will consider your statutes.
96 I have seen a limit to all perfection, but your commands are boundless.
97 MEM How I love your Torah! It is my meditation all day.
98 Your commandments make me wiser than my enemies, for your commandments are always with me.
99 I have more understanding than all my teachers, for your testimonies are my meditation.
100 I understand more than the aged, because I have kept your precepts.
101 I have kept my feet from every evil way, that I might observe your word.
Psalms 119 in World Messianic Bible

Psalms 119:87-101 in World Messianic Bible British Edition

87 They had almost wiped me from the earth, but I didn’t forsake your precepts.
88 Preserve my life according to your loving kindness, so I will obey the statutes of your mouth.
89 LAMEDH LORD, your word is settled in heaven forever.
90 Your faithfulness is to all generations. You have established the earth, and it remains.
91 Your laws remain to this day, for all things serve you.
92 Unless your Torah had been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction.
93 I will never forget your precepts, for with them, you have revived me.
94 I am yours. Save me, for I have sought your precepts.
95 The wicked have waited for me, to destroy me. I will consider your statutes.
96 I have seen a limit to all perfection, but your commands are boundless.
97 MEM How I love your Torah! It is my meditation all day.
98 Your commandments make me wiser than my enemies, for your commandments are always with me.
99 I have more understanding than all my teachers, for your testimonies are my meditation.
100 I understand more than the aged, because I have kept your precepts.
101 I have kept my feet from every evil way, that I might observe your word.
Psalms 119 in World Messianic Bible British Edition

Psalms 119:87-101 in Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling

87 Almost they ended me in the earth; but I forsook not thy command-ments.
88 By thy mercy quicken thou me; and I shall keep the witnessings of thy mouth.
89 Lamed. Lord, thy word dwelleth in heaven; without end.
90 Thy truth dwelleth in generation, and into generation; thou hast founded the earth, and it dwelleth.
91 The day lasteth continually by thy ordinances; for all things serve to thee.
92 But for thy law was my thinking; then peradventure I had perished in my lowness.
93 Without end I shall not forget thy justifyings; for in those or them thou hast quickened me.
94 I am thine, make thou me safe; for I have sought thy justifyings.
95 Sinners abode me, for to lose me; I understood thy witnessings.
96 I saw the end of all end; thy commandment is full large.
97 Mem. Lord, how loved I or I loved thy law; all day it is my thinking.
98 Above mine enemies thou madest me prudent by thy commandment; for it is to me without end.
99 I understood over all men teaching me; for thy witnessings is my thinking.
100 I understood above eld or old men; for I sought thy commandments.
101 I forbade my feet from all evil way; that I keep thy words.

Psalms 119:87-101 in Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling (Enhanced)

87 Almost they ended me in the earth; but I forsook not thy commandments. (Yea, they almost brought me to an end here on the earth; but I did not forsake thy precepts.)
88 By thy mercy quicken thou me; and I shall keep the witnessings of thy mouth. (In thy mercy or In thy love, grant thou me life; so that I can obey the teachings from thy mouth.)
89 Lamed. Lord, thy word dwelleth in heaven; into without end. (Lord, thy word remaineth, or liveth, in heaven, forever.)
90 Thy truth dwelleth in generation, and into generation; thou hast founded the earth, and it dwelleth. (Thy faithfulness remaineth for all generations; thou hast founded the earth, and it still remaineth.)
91 The day lasteth continually by thy ordinance(s); for all things serve to thee. (All things continue to this day according to thy ordinances; for all things serve thee./Thy ordinances, or thy decrees, continue to this day; for all things serve thee.)
92 But for thy law was my thinking; then peradventure I had perished in my lowness. (If thy Law had not been my delight; then I would have perished in my time of trouble.)
93 Into Without end I shall not forget thy justifyings; for in those thou hast quickened me. (I shall never forget thy precepts; for through them thou hast given me life.)
94 I am thine, make thou me safe; for I have sought thy justifyings. (I am thine, save thou me; for I have sought out thy precepts.)
95 Sinners abode me, for to lose me; I understood thy witnessings. (The sinners have waited for me, to destroy me; but I shall think about thy teachings.)
96 I saw the end of all end; thy commandment is full large. (I have seen the end of the end or I have seen that all things must end; but thy commandment shall go on forever.)
97 Mem. Lord, how loved I thy law; all day it is my thinking. (Lord, how I love thy Law! I think about it all day long.)
98 Above mine enemies thou madest me prudent by thy commandment; for it is to me into without end. (By thy commandments, thou hast made me more prudent than all my enemies; for thy commandments shall be with me forever.)
99 I understood over all men teaching me; for thy witnessings is my thinking. (I have more understanding than all those who teach me; because I think about thy teachings.)
100 I understood above eld men; for I sought thy commandments. (I have more understanding than the old men, that is, the elders; because I have kept thy precepts.)
101 I forbade my feet from all evil way; that I keep thy words (or so that I obey thy commands).

Psalms 119:87-101 in Young's Literal Translation

87 Almost consumed me on earth have they, And I — I have not forsaken Thy precepts.
88 According to Thy kindness quicken Thou me, And I keep the testimony of Thy mouth!
89 Lamed. To the age, O Jehovah, Thy word is set up in the heavens.
90 To all generations Thy faithfulness, Thou didst establish earth, and it standeth.
91 According to Thine ordinances They have stood this day, for the whole are Thy servants.
92 Unless Thy law were my delights, Then had I perished in mine affliction.
93 To the age I forget not Thy precepts, For by them Thou hast quickened me.
94 I am Thine, save Thou me, For Thy precepts I have sought.
95 Thy wicked waited for me to destroy me, Thy testimonies I understand.
96 Of all perfection I have seen an end, Broad is Thy command — exceedingly!
97 Mem. O how I have loved Thy law! All the day it is my meditation.
98 Than mine enemies Thy command maketh me wiser, For it is before me to the age.
99 Above all my teachers I have acted wisely. For Thy testimonies are my meditation.
100 Above elders I understand more, For Thy precepts I have kept.
101 From every evil path I restrained my feet, So that I keep Thy word.