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World English Bible British Edition with Deuterocanon - Psalms - Psalms 119

Psalms 119:72-89

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72The law of your mouth is better to me than thousands of pieces of gold and silver.
73YODH Your hands have made me and formed me. Give me understanding, that I may learn your commandments.
74Those who fear you will see me and be glad, because I have put my hope in your word.
75LORD, I know that your judgements are righteous, that in faithfulness you have afflicted me.
76Please let your loving kindness be for my comfort, according to your word to your servant.
77Let your tender mercies come to me, that I may live; for your law is my delight.
78Let the proud be disappointed, for they have overthrown me wrongfully. I will meditate on your precepts.
79Let those who fear you turn to me. They will know your statutes.
80Let my heart be blameless towards your decrees, that I may not be disappointed.
81KAPF My soul faints for your salvation. I hope in your word.
82My eyes fail for your word. I say, “When will you comfort me?”
83For I have become like a wineskin in the smoke. I don’t forget your statutes.
84How many are the days of your servant? When will you execute judgement on those who persecute me?
85The proud have dug pits for me, contrary to your law.
86All of your commandments are faithful. They persecute me wrongfully. Help me!
87They had almost wiped me from the earth, but I didn’t forsake your precepts.
88Preserve my life according to your loving kindness, so I will obey the statutes of your mouth.
89LAMEDH LORD, your word is settled in heaven forever.

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