48 I respect/revere IDM ◄your commands/what you have commanded►, and I love them, and I will ◄meditate on/think about► ◄your statutes/what you have decreed that we should do►.
49 Do not forget what you said/promised to do for me, who serve you, because what you have said has caused me to confidently expect good things from you.
50 When I have been suffering, you comforted me; you did what you promised me, and that PRS revived me.
51 Proud people are always making fun of me, but I do not ◄turn away from/stop► obeying your laws.
52 Yahweh, when I think about ◄your regulations/the rules► that you gave to us long ago, I am comforted/encouraged.
53 When I see that wicked people have disregarded your laws, I become very angry.
54 While I have been living here for a short time on the earth, I have written songs about ◄your statutes/what you have decreed that we should do►.