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Geneva Bible 1599 - Psalms - Psalms 119

Psalms 119:136-146

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136Mine eyes gush out with riuers of water, because they keepe not thy Lawe.
137TSADDI. Righteous art thou, O Lord, and iust are thy iudgements.
138Thou hast commanded iustice by thy testimonies and trueth especially.
139My zeale hath euen consumed mee, because mine enemies haue forgotten thy wordes.
140Thy word is prooued most pure, and thy seruant loueth it.
141I am small and despised: yet do I not forget thy precepts.
142Thy righteousnesse is an euerlasting righteousnes, and thy Lawe is trueth.
143Trouble and anguish are come vpon me: yet are thy commandements my delite.
144The righteousnes of thy testimonies is euerlasting: graunt me vnderstanding, and I shall liue.
145KOPH. I haue cried with my whole heart: heare me, O Lord, and I will keepe thy statutes.
146I called vpon thee: saue mee, and I will keepe thy testimonies.

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Compare Psalms 119:136-146Psalms 119:136-146