26 a hare, a people unmighty, that setteth his bed in a stone; (rock badgers, also an unmighty people, who make their beds among the rocks;)
27 a locust, (that) hath no king, and (yet) all goeth out by companies;
28 a lizard, enforceth with hands, and dwelleth in the houses of kings. (and a lizard, that endeavoureth with his hands, and liveth in palaces.)
29 Three things there be, that go well, (or And there be three things, that go well), and the fourth thing, that goeth richly, or wellsomely.
30 A lion, strongest of beasts, shall not dread, at the meeting of any man; (A lion, the strongest of beasts, that shall not fear the meeting of any man;)
31 a cock, girded up the loins; and a ram, (and a king), and none there is that shall against-stand him. (a strutting rooster; and a ram; and a king for whom there is no one who shall stand up against him.)