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Geneva Bible 1599 - Proverbs - Proverbs 6

Proverbs 6:4-20

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4Giue no sleepe to thine eyes, nor slumber to thine eyelids.
5Deliuer thy selfe as a doe from the hande of the hunter, and as a birde from the hande of the fouler.
6Goe to the pismire, O sluggarde: beholde her waies, and be wise.
7For shee hauing no guide, gouernour, nor ruler,
8Prepareth her meat in the sommer, and gathereth her foode in haruest.
9Howe long wilt thou sleepe, O sluggarde? when wilt thou arise out of thy sleepe?
10Yet a litle sleepe, a litle slumber, a litle folding of the hands to sleepe.
11Therefore thy pouertie commeth as one that trauaileth by the way, and thy necessitie like an armed man.
12The vnthriftie man and the wicked man walketh with a froward mouth.
13He maketh a signe with his eyes: he signifieth with his feete: he instructeth with his fingers.
14Lewde things are in his heart: he imagineth euill at all times, and raiseth vp contentions.
15Therefore shall his destruction come speedily: hee shall be destroyed suddenly without recouerie.
16These sixe things doeth the Lord hate: yea, his soule abhorreth seuen:
17The hautie eyes, a lying tongue, and the hands that shed innocent blood,
18An heart that imagineth wicked enterprises, feete that be swift in running to mischiefe,
19A false witnesse that speaketh lyes, and him that rayseth vp contentions among brethren.
20My sonne, keepe thy fathers commandement, and forsake not thy mothers instruction.

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