14 Almost I was in all-evil, in the midst of the church, and of the synagogue. (I was almost uniformly despised, in the midst of the congregation, and among those in the assembly.)
15 Drink thou water of thy cistern, and the floods of thy well. (Drink thou water from thy own cistern, and the out-flowings from thy own well.)
16 Thy wells be streamed forth; and part thy waters in streets. (Let thy well floweth forth; and let thy water be parted in the streets.)
17 Have thou alone them; and aliens be not thy partners. (Have thou them alone; and let not strangers be thy partners.)
18 Thy vein be blessed (or Let thy fountain be blessed); and be thou glad with the woman of thy young waxing age.
19 An hind most dearworthy; and an hart calf most acceptable. Her teats fill thee in all time; and delight thou continually in the love of her. (She is like a most dearworthy deer; and a most acceptable hart calf. Let her breasts fulfill, or satisfy, thee at all times; and delight thou continually in her love.)
20 My son, why art thou deceived of an alien woman; and art fostered in the bosom of another? (My son, why art thou deceived by a strange, or an unknown, woman; and why art thou comforted in the bosom of another?)
21 The Lord seeth the way(s) of a man; and he beholdeth all his steps.
22 The wickednesses of a wicked man take (hold of) him; and he is bound with the ropes of his sins.