20 Such is the way of a woman adulteress, which eateth, and wipeth her mouth, and saith, I wrought not evil. (Such is the way of an adulterous woman, who eateth, and wipeth her mouth, and then saith, I have done nothing wrong.)
21 The earth is moved by three things, and by the fourth thing, which it may not sustain;
22 by a servant, when he reigneth; by a fool, when he is filled with meat, (or by a fool, when he is filled full with food);
23 by an hateful woman, when she is taken in matrimony; and by an handmaid, when she is heir of her lady, (or and by a servantess, when she is her lady’s heir).
24 Four things be the least things of the earth, and those be wiser than wise men;
25 ants, a feeble people, that make ready meat in harvest to themselves; (ants, a weak, or a lowly, people, that store up food for themselves at harvest time;)