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Geneva Bible 1599 - Proverbs - Proverbs 23

Proverbs 23:23-33

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23Bye the trueth, but sell it not: likewise wisdome, and instruction, and vnderstanding.
24The father of the righteous shall greatly reioyce, and hee that begetteth a wise childe, shall haue ioy of him.
25Thy father and thy mother shall be glad, and she that bare thee shall reioyce.
26My sonne, giue mee thine heart, and let thine eyes delite in my wayes.
27For a whore is as a deepe ditche, and a strange woman is as a narrowe pitte.
28Also she lyeth in wait as for a praye, and she increaseth the transgressers among men.
29To whome is woe? to whome is sorowe? to whom is strife? to whom is murmuring? to whom are woundes without cause? and to whome is the rednesse of the eyes?
30Euen to them that tarie long at the wine, to them that goe, and seeke mixt wine.
31Looke not thou vpon the wine, when it is red, and when it sheweth his colour in the cup, or goeth downe pleasantly.
32In the ende thereof it will bite like a serpent, and hurt like a cockatrise.
33Thine eyes shall looke vpon strange women, and thine heart shall speake lewde things.

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Compare Proverbs 23:23-33Proverbs 23:23-33