2And put the knife to thy throte, if thou be a man giuen to the appetite.
3Be not desirous of his deintie meates: for it is a deceiuable meate.
4Trauaile not too much to be rich: but cease from thy wisdome.
5Wilt thou cast thine eyes vpon it, which is nothing? for riches taketh her to her wings, as an eagle, and flyeth into the heauen.
6Eate thou not the bread of him that hath an euil eye, neither desire his deintie meates.
7For as though he thought it in his heart, so will hee say vnto thee, Eate and drinke: but his heart is not with thee.
8Thou shalt vomit thy morsels that thou hast eaten, and thou shalt lose thy sweete wordes.
9Speake not in the eares of a foole: for hee will despise the wisdome of thy wordes.
10Remooue not the ancient boundes, and enter not into the fieldes of the fatherlesse.
11For he that redeemeth them, is mightie: he will defend their cause against thee.