18 An unpious man shall be given for a just man; and a wicked man shall be given for a rightful man. (An evil person shall be given as a ransom for a righteous person; and a wicked person shall be given as a ransom for an upright person.)
19 It is better to dwell in a desert land, than with a woman full of chiding, and wrathful.
20 Desirable treasure and oil is in the dwelling place of a just man; and an unprudent man shall destroy it. (Desirable treasure and oil be in the dwelling place of the wise; but an imprudent person shall destroy it all.)
21 He that followeth rightfulness and mercy, shall find life, and rightwiseness, and glory.
22 A wise man ascended into the city of (the) strong men, and destroyed the strength of the trust thereof.
23 He that keepeth his mouth and his tongue (under control), keepeth his soul from anguishes.
24 A proud man and (a) boaster is called a fool, (for) that (he) worketh (his) pride in ire.
25 Desires slay a slow man; for his hands would not (do) work (of) anything. (Desires shall slay a lazy person; for his hands shall not do any work.)
26 All day he coveteth and desireth; but he that is a just man, shall give, and shall not cease. (All day long he wanteth, and longeth for; but he who is righteous, shall give, and shall never cease to give.)
27 The offerings of wicked men (or The offerings of the wicked), that be offered (out) of great trespass, be abominable.
28 A false witness shall perish; a man obedient shall speak victory (or but an honest person shall speak, and be rewarded).
29 A wicked man maketh firm his cheer unshamefastly; but he that is rightful, amendeth his way. (A wicked person unashamedly maketh firm his face, or is stubborn; but he who is upright, mendeth his way.)