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Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling - Proverbs - Proverbs 20

Proverbs 20:2-7

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2As the roaring of a lion, so and the dread of a king; he that stirreth him to ire, sinneth against his soul.
3It is honour to a man that separateth himself from strivings; but fond men be meddled or fools shall be mingled with despisings.
4A slow man would not ear for cold; therefore he shall beg in summer, and men shall not give to him.
5As deep water, so counsel is in the heart of a man; but a wise man shall draw it out.
6Many men be called merciful; but who shall find a faithful man?
7Forsooth a just or rightwise man that goeth in his simpleness, shall leave blessed sons after him.

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