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Geneva Bible 1599 - Proverbs - Proverbs 19

Proverbs 19:15-22

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15Slouthfulnes causeth to fall asleepe, and a deceitfull person shall be affamished.
16He that keepeth the commandement, keepeth his owne soule: but hee that despiseth his wayes, shall dye.
17He that hath mercy vpon the poore, lendeth vnto the Lord: and the Lord will recompense him that which he hath giuen.
18Chasten thy sonne while there is hope, and let not thy soule spare for his murmuring.
19A man of much anger shall suffer punishment: and though thou deliuer him, yet wil his anger come againe.
20Heare counsell and receiue instruction, that thou mayest be wise in thy latter ende.
21Many deuises are in a mans heart: but the counsell of the Lord shall stand.
22That that is to be desired of a man, is his goodnes, and a poore man is better then a lyer.

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