6 Wickedness is again-bought by mercy and truth; and men boweth away from evil by the dread of the Lord. (Wickedness is redeemed by love and faithfulness; and people can turn away from evil by the fear of the Lord or through reverence for the Lord.)
7 When the ways of (a) man please the Lord, he shall convert, yea, his enemies to peace.
8 Better is a little with rightfulness, than many fruits with wickedness.
9 The heart of a man shall dispose his way; but it pertaineth to the Lord to (ad)dress his steps. (A person’s heart shall ordain his way; but it pertaineth to the Lord to direct his steps.)
10 Divining is in the lips of a king; his mouth shall not err in doom. (The king speaketh with divine authority; his mouth shall not err in any judgement.)
11 The dooms of the Lord be weight and balance; and his works be all the stones of the world. (The Lord’s justice be equal weights and an honest balance; yea, each of the stones in the worldis his own work.)
12 They that do wickedly be abominable to the king; for the throne of the realm is made steadfast by rightfulness.
13 The will of kings is just lips; he that speaketh rightful things, shall be (ad)dressed. (The desire of kings is just, or truthful, words; he who speaketh upright things shall be favoured.)
14 The Indignation of the king is (like) messengers of death; and a wise man shall please him (or but a wise person shall please him).
15 Life is in gladness of the king’s cheer; and his mercy is as rain coming late. (Life (is) in the gladness of the king’s face; and his mercy (is) like the rain that cometh late.)
16 Wield thou wisdom, for it is better than gold; and get thou prudence, for it is preciouser than silver. (Possess thou wisdom, for it is better than gold; and get thou prudence, for it is more precious than silver.)
17 The path of just men boweth away (from) evils (or The path of the righteous turneth away from evil); the keeper of his soul keepeth his way (safe).
18 Pride goeth before sorrow; and the spirit shall be enhanced before falling (or and the spirit shall be raised up before a fall).
19 It is better to be made meek with mild men, than to part spoils with proud men. (It is better to be made poor with the humble, than to part spoils with the proud.)