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Geneva Bible 1599 - Proverbs - Proverbs 15

Proverbs 15:12-20

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12A scorner loueth not him that rebuketh him, neither will he goe vnto the wise.
13A ioyfull heart maketh a chearefull countenance: but by the sorow of the heart the minde is heauie.
14The heart of him that hath vnderstanding, seeketh knowledge: but the mouth of the foole is fedde with foolishnes.
15All the dayes of the afflicted are euill: but a good conscience is a continuall feast.
16Better is a litle with the feare of the Lord, then great treasure, and trouble therewith.
17Better is a dinner of greene herbes where loue is, then a stalled oxe and hatred therewith.
18An angrie man stirreth vp strife: but hee that is slowe to wrath, appeaseth strife.
19The way of a slouthfull man is as an hedge of thornes: but the way of the righteous is plaine.
20A wise sonne reioyceth the father: but a foolish man despiseth his mother.

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