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Geneva Bible 1599 - Proverbs - Proverbs 14

Proverbs 14:6-14

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6A scorner seeketh wisdome, and findeth it not: but knowledge is easie to him that will vnderstande.
7Depart from the foolish man, when thou perceiuest not in him the lippes of knowledge.
8The wisdome of ye prudent is to vnderstand his way: but the foolishnes of the fooles is deceite.
9The foole maketh a mocke of sinne: but among the righteous there is fauour.
10The heart knoweth the bitternes of his soule, and the stranger shall not medle with his ioy.
11The house of the wicked shalbe destroyed: but the tabernacle of the righteous shall florish.
12There is a way that seemeth right to a man: but the issues thereof are the wayes of death.
13Euen in laughing the heart is sorowful, and the ende of that mirth is heauinesse.
14The heart that declineth, shall be saciate with his owne wayes: but a good man shall depart from him.

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