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Bible in Basic English - Proverbs - Proverbs 12

Proverbs 12:1-13

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1A lover of training is a lover of knowledge; but a hater of teaching is like a beast.
2A good man has grace in the eyes of the Lord; but the man of evil designs gets punishment from him.
3No man will make himself safe through evil-doing; but the root of upright men will never be moved.
4A woman of virtue is a crown to her husband; but she whose behaviour is a cause of shame is like a wasting disease in his bones.
5The purposes of upright men are right, but the designs of evil-doers are deceit.
6The words of sinners are destruction for the upright; but the mouth of upright men is their salvation.
7Evil-doers are overturned and never seen again, but the house of upright men will keep its place.
8A man will be praised in the measure of his wisdom, but a wrong-minded man will be looked down on.
9He who is of low position and has a servant, is better than one who has a high opinion of himself and is in need of bread.
10An upright man has thought for the life of his beast, but the hearts of evil-doers are cruel.
11He who does work on his land will not be short of bread; but he who goes after foolish men is without sense.
12The resting-place of the sinner will come to destruction, but the root of upright men is for ever.
13In the sin of the lips is a net which takes the sinner, but the upright man will come out of trouble.

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