17He that regardeth instruction, is in the way of life: but he that refuseth correction, goeth out of the way.
18He that dissembleth hatred with lying lips, and he that inuenteth slaunder, is a foole.
19In many wordes there cannot want iniquitie: but he that refrayneth his lippes, is wise.
20The tongue of the iust man is as fined siluer: but the heart of the wicked is litle worth.
21The lippes of the righteous doe feede many: but fooles shall die for want of wisedome.
22The blessing of the Lord, it maketh riche, and he doeth adde no sorowes with it.
23It is as a pastime to a foole to doe wickedly: but wisedome is vnderstanding to a man.
24That which the wicked feareth, shall come vpon him: but God wil graunt the desire of the righteous.
25As the whirlewinde passeth, so is the wicked no more: but the righteous is as an euerlasting foundation.
26As vineger is to the teeth, and as smoke to the eyes, so is the slouthful to them that send him.
27The feare of the Lord increaseth the dayes: but the yeeres of the wicked shalbe diminished.
28The patient abiding of the righteous shall be gladnesse: but the hope of the wicked shall perish.
29The way of the Lord is strength to the vpright man: but feare shall be for the workers of iniquitie.
30The righteous shall neuer be remooued: but the wicked shall not dwell in the land.
31The mouth of the iust shall be fruitfull in wisdome: but the tongue of the froward shall be cut out.