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BIBOLO DABUŊ - Pesalem - Pesalem 50

Pesalem 50:10-12

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10gebe gwada saleŋŋa samob to bôc tokaiŋ-tokaiŋ, taŋ sêmoa lôc tolôc naŋ, ŋatau aê.
11Moc samob, taŋ sêmoa lôlôc naŋ, aê kajala kêtu tôŋ ma gêŋ, taŋ sêmoa obalêlôm naŋ, ŋatau aê.
12“Mo embe êjô aê, oc jasôm êndêŋ aôm atom, gebe nom samucgeŋ to ŋagêŋlêlôm samob ŋatau aê.

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