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Wycliffe Bible - Mark - Mark 9

Mark 9:37-45

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37Joon answeride to hym, and seide, Maister, we sayn oon castynge out feendis in thi name, which sueth not vs, and we han forbodun hym.
38And Jhesus seide, Nyle ye forbede him; for ther is no man that doith vertu in my name, and may soone speke yuel of me.
39He that is not ayens vs, is for vs.
40And who euer yyueth you a cuppe of coold water to drynke in my name, for ye ben of Crist, treuli Y seie to you, he schal not leese his mede.
41And who euer schal sclaundre oon of these litle that bileuen in me, it were betere to hym that a mylne stoon `of assis were don aboute his necke, and he were cast in to the see.
42And if thin hoond sclaundre thee, kitte it awey; it is betere to thee to entre feble in to lijf, than haue two hondis, and go in to helle, in to fier that neuer schal be quenchid,
43where the worm of hem dieth not, and the fier is not quenchid.
44And if thi foote sclaundre thee, kitte it of; it is betere to thee to entre crokid in to euerlastynge lijf, than haue twei feet, and be sent in to helle of fier, that neuer schal be quenchid,
45where the worme of hem dieth not, and the fier is not quenchid.

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