9and went agayne into the iudgment hall and sayde vnto Iesus: whence arte thou? But Iesus gave him none answere.
10Then sayde Pylate vnto him. Speakest thou not vnto me? knowest thou not that I have power to crucify the and have power to lowse the?
11Iesus answered: Thou couldest have no power at all agaynst me except it were geven the from above. Therfore he that delyvered me vnto the is moare in synne.
12And from thence forthe sought Pylate meanes to lowse him: but the Iewes cryed sayinge: yf thou let him goo thou arte not Cesars frende. For whosoever maketh hi selfe a kynge is agaynst Cesar
13When Pylate hearde that sayinge he brought Iesus forthe and sate doune to geve sentence in a place called the pavement: but in the Hebrue tonge Gabbatha.
14It was the Saboth even which falleth in the ester fest and aboute the sixte houre. And he sayde vnto the Iewes: beholde youre kynge.
15They cryed awaye with him awaye with him crucify him. Pylate sayde vnto them. Shall I crucify youre kynge? The hye Prestes answered: we have no kynge but Cesar.
16Then delyvered he him vnto them to be crucified. And they toke Iesus and led him awaye.
17And he bare his crosse and went forthe into a place called the place of deed mens sculles which is named in Hebrue Golgatha.
18Where they crucified him and two other with him on ether syde one and Iesus in the myddes.
19And Pylate wrote his tytle and put it on the crosse. The writynge was Iesus of Nazareth kynge of the Iewes. This tytle reed many of the Iewes.
20For the place where Iesus was crucified was nye to the cite. And it was written in Hebrue Greke and Latyn.
21Then sayde the hye prestes of the Iewes to Pylate: wryte not kynge of the Iewes: but that he sayde I am kynge of the Iewes.
22Pylate answered: what I have written that have I written.
23Then the soudiers when they had crucified Iesus toke his garmentes and made foure partes to every soudier a parte and also his coote. The coote was with out seme wrought vpon thorowe out.
24And they sayde one to another. Let vs not devyde it: but cast loostes who shall have it That the scripture myght be fulfilled which sayth. They parted my rayment amonge them and on my coote dyd cast lottes. And the soudiers dyd soche thinges in dede.