6The laughter of fools is like the crackling of thorn twigs burning under a pot—without sense and quickly over.
7Extorting money from others makes wise people into fools, and accepting bribes corrupts the mind.
8Completing something is better than starting it. Being patient is better than being proud.
9Don't be quick to get angry, for anger controls the minds of fools.
10Don't ask, “Why were the good old days better than now?” Asking such questions shows you are not wise.
11Wisdom is good—it's like receiving an inheritance. It benefits everyone in life.
12For wisdom provides security, as does money, but the advantage for those who have wisdom is that they are kept safe and sound!
13Think about what God does. If he makes something bent, you can't straighten it!
14On a good day, be happy. When a bad day comes, stop and think. God made each day, so you don't know what will happen to you next.
15Throughout my life I've seen so much that is hard to understand. Good people who die young despite doing what is right, and wicked people who live long evil lives.
16Don't think you can make yourself right by a lot of religious observance, and don't pretend to be so wise. Do you want to destroy yourself?
17On the other hand, don't decide to live an evil life—don't be a fool! Why die before your time?
18You ought to keep in mind these warnings. Those who follow God will be sure to avoid both.
19Wisdom gives a wise person greater power than ten town councilors.
20There's not one good person in all the world who always does what is right and never sins.
21Don't take to heart everything that people say, otherwise you may hear your servant talking badly about you,