15 That thing that is made, dwelleth perfectly; those things that shall come, were before; and God restoreth that, that is gone, (or and God restoreth what is gone).
16 I saw under the sun unfaithfulness in the place of doom; and wickedness in the place of rightfulness. (I saw under the sun unfaithfulness in place of judgement, or of justice; and wickedness in place of righteousness, or of uprightness.)
17 And I said in mine heart, The Lord shall deem a just man, and an unfaithful man; and the time of each thing shall be then. (And I said in my heart, The Lord shall judge the righteous, and the unfaithful; and then shall be the proper time for each thing.)
18 I said in mine heart of the sons (and daughters) of men, that God should prove them, and show (them) that they be like beasts.