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LXX2012: Septuagint in British/International English 2012 - Ecclesiastes - Ecclesiastes 12

Ecclesiastes 12:8-12

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8Vanity of vanities, said the Preacher; all is vanity.
9And because the Preacher was wise above others, so it was that he taught man excellent knowledge, and the ear will trace out the parables.
10The Preacher sought diligently to find out acceptable words, and a correct writing, even words of truth.
11The words of the wise are as goads, and as nails firmly fastened, which have been given from one shepherd by agreement.
12And moreover, my son, guard yourself by means of them: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.

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Compare Ecclesiastes 12:8-12Ecclesiastes 12:8-12