3Just the way that fools walk down the road shows they have no sense, making clear to everyone their stupidity.
4If your superior gets angry with you, don't give up and leave. If you stay calm even bad mistakes can be resolved.
5I also realized there's another evil here on earth: rulers make a big mistake
6when they put fools in high positions, while those who are richly qualified are put in low positions.
7I've seen slaves riding on horseback, while princes walk on the ground like slaves.
8If you dig a pit, you could fall in. If you knock down a wall, you could be bitten by a snake.
9If you quarry stone, you could be injured. If you split logs, you could be hurt.
10If your ax is blunt and you don't sharpen it, you have to use a lot more force. Conclusion: being wise brings good results.
11If the snake bites the snake charmer before it's charmed, there's no benefit to the snake charmer!