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Unlocked Literal Bible - Ecclesiastes - Ecclesiastes 10

Ecclesiastes 10:3-10

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3When a fool walks down a road, his thinking is deficient, proving to everyone he is a fool.
4If the emotions of a ruler rise up against you, do not leave your work. Calm can quiet down great outrage.
5There is an evil that I have seen under the sun, a kind of error that comes from a ruler:
6Fools are given leadership positions, while successful men are given low positions.
7I have seen slaves riding horses, and successful men walking like slaves on the ground.
8Anyone who digs a pit can fall into it, and whenever someone breaks down a wall, a snake can bite him.
9Whoever cuts out stones can be hurt by them, and the man who chops wood is endangered by it.
10If an iron blade is dull, and a man does not sharpen it, then he must use more strength, but wisdom provides an advantage for success.

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