Bibles in Burkina Faso

All languages with and without a free Bible Translation in Burkina Faso
The flag of Burkina Faso
Country code: BF
Local name: Burkina Faso
Total population: 20,903,273

The map shows only major languages originating from Burkina Faso and neighboring territories. Click for a larger and more detailed map of Burkina Faso.

There are 84 languages spoken in Burkina Faso.

3 languages are extinct, almost extinct or moribund.

The Bible has been translated into 9 languages and 72 significant languages remains to be translated.

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Bible Translations in Burkina Faso

Significant languages in Burkina Faso with at least one free Bible translation: Buamu, Cerma, Gourmanchéma, Maasina Fulfulde, Western Niger Fulfulde, Mamara Senoufo, Supyire Senoufo, Hausa and French.

Significant languages in Burkina Faso without a free Bible translation: Malba Birifor, Bissa, Southern Bobo Madaré, Bolon, Cwi Bwamu, Láá Láá Bwamu, Dagaari Dioula, Northern Dagara, Dogosé, Dogoso, Dyan, Dzùùngoo, Jalkunan, Kaansa, Kalamsé, Eastern Karaboro, Western Karaboro, Khe, Northern Bobo Madaré, Koromfé, Kpeego, Lobi, Lyélé, Marka, Mossi, Natioro, Northern Nuni, Southern Nuni, Paleni, Pana (Burkina Faso), Phuie, Matya Samo, Maya Samo, Southern Samo, Seeku, Nanerigé Sénoufo, Senara Sénoufo, Sìcìté Sénoufo, Siamou, Sininkere, Sissala, Tiéfo, Northern Toussian, Southern Toussian, Turka, Viemo, Wara, Winyé, Biali, Bomu, Jamsay Dogon, Tomo Kan Dogon, Farefare, Jowulu, Dyula, Kasem, Khisa, Kusaal, Moba, Humburi Senni Songhay, Tamasheq, Téén, Zarma, Southern Dagaare, Southern Birifor, Kantosi, Bouna Kulango, Palaka Senoufo, Cebaara Senoufo, Tawallammat Tamajaq, Bambara and Pongu.

If you know of a free Bible Translation in Burkina Faso, not listed here, please let us know!