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Plain English Version - Acts - Acts 7

Acts 7:14-57

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14Then Joseph sent his brothers to get his father Jacob, and all his family, to go and live in Egypt. So all 75 of them went to Egypt.
15That’s the way Jacob and his family went to Egypt, and after that they died there.
16Later their grand-kids took their bodies back to the place called Shechem and buried them in a cave. A long time before that their grand-father Abraham bought that cave from Hamor’s family. He paid the full price for that cave.”
17Stephen said to the Jewish council men, “Remember, a long time before that God told Abraham, ‘Your family will live in Egypt for a long time.’ And when it was almost time for God to bring them back from Egypt, they had lots of kids and grand-kids till they grew into a big mob of people.
18Then, a new man became the big boss of Egypt, and he didn’t know anything about Joseph.
19That big boss tricked our family and was very hard on them. He made our mob throw their baby boys into the river to kill them.
20Moses was born while that man was the big boss. Moses was a very good little baby, and his mother and father looked after him in their house for 3 months.
21After that they had to leave Moses out at the river, but just then the big boss’s daughter came along and found him, and she took him home and called him her own son.
22So Moses grew up in the big boss’s family, and the Egyptian teachers taught him a lot of things. Moses became an important man. He did everything powerfully and he talked powerfully too.
23Moses kept living in the big boss’s family until he was 40 years old, then one day he went to visit his own people, us Israel mob.
24While he was there he saw an Egyptian boss beating up an Israel man. So Moses killed that Egyptian boss.
25Moses reckoned, ‘Now my people will understand about me, and God will use me to save them.’ But they didn’t understand anything about Moses.
26The next day Moses saw 2 of his own people fighting and he tried to get them to stop fighting. He said, ‘You 2 men, you are both family. Why do you hit each other?’
27But the man that started the fight pushed Moses away. He said, ‘Nobody said you can be our boss or our judge.
28Are you going to kill me like you killed that Egyptian man yesterday?’
29Moses heard that man’s words and he got really frightened. He thought, ‘Hey, everyone knows that I killed that man. Now I will get big trouble.’ So he ran away from Egypt and went to live in the country called Midian. He didn’t belong to that country, but he got married there and had 2 sons.
30Moses stayed in Midian country for 40 years. Then one day he was in the desert place near the big hill called Sinai, and God sent one of his angel messengers to him there. Moses saw a little tree that was burning with flames of fire.
31It kept on burning all the time, and Moses was really surprised. He thought, ‘How come?’ He went closer to have a good look at it. Then he heard God talk to him from that fire. God said,
32‘I am the God of your grand-fathers, called Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I am their God.’ Moses was so frightened that he started shaking. He was too frightened to look at that little tree any more.
33Then God said to him, ‘Moses, take off your shoes. The ground you are standing on is my special ground.
34Listen, I saw the bosses of Egypt hitting my people. I heard my people crying and groaning, and now I’m going to save them. So now, Moses, you go back to Egypt. I’m sending you back there to save them.’”
35Stephen kept on talking to them. He said, “You see, God’s people didn’t listen to Moses before. They said, ‘Nobody said you can be our boss or our judge.’ But later God sent Moses back to save them, and to be their boss. And God sent his angel messenger to help Moses, the same angel that made that little tree keep burning with fire.
36So all our people followed Moses out of Egypt. He did powerful things in Egypt for them to see, and again when they came to the water called the Red Sea he did a powerful thing to let them cross it, and he did great things for them while they walked around in the desert for 40 years.
37That same man, Moses, said to the people of Israel, ‘God will get one of your own people, and send him to tell you his message. He will be like me.’
38All our grand-fathers followed Moses together through the desert. And God sent an angel messenger to Moses at the big hill called Sinai, to tell him the good message that has life, and then Moses told our grand-fathers that same message.
39But our grand-fathers wouldn’t listen to Moses. They didn’t want him to be their leader. They just wanted to go back to Egypt.
40So they told Aaron, ‘Make us statues of gods, and we will get them to lead us back to Egypt. We followed that Moses out from Egypt, but now he is not here. What happened to him? We don’t know.’
41So then they made a statue that looked like a baby cow. They brought money and things to it, and they had a big party to show respect to the thing they made.
42So God turned away from our grand-fathers. He left them, and they showed respect to the sun and the moon and the stars. Some time later a man that told God’s messages wrote about it in God’s book. He wrote this, ‘You people of Israel, you were in the desert for 40 years, and at that time, did you bring animals to kill and give to me? No, they were not for me.
43You only respected the god called Molech, and the star god called Rephan. You made statues of them and you carried things around with you to help you respect them. So listen, I will send you all away from your country, I will send you a really long way away, even past the city called Babylon.’”
44Stephen kept on talking to them. He said, “A long time ago our grand-fathers carried God’s special tent with them through the desert. That special tent showed that God was with them all the time. You see, God talked to Moses and showed him a picture of that tent and told him the way to make it.
45Some years later Moses died, and Joshua was their leader. He and our grand-fathers came into this country and they fought against the people that lived here. God made those people run away, and our grand-fathers got this country, and they brought that tent with them into this country, and they kept it here for a long time, until David was their boss.
46God was good to David. And David wanted to build a ceremony house for God. He is the God that all of us Israel people respect. So David asked God to let him build that house.
47But God stopped David and instead it was David’s son, called Solomon, that built God’s ceremony house.
48But, you know, our great God does not live in houses that people build. You see, God got one of his men to write about that in his book. He wrote,
49‘God says, “I fill up all of heaven. It is my big seat. And the earth is just big enough to be something for me to rest my feet on. So what kind of house will you people build for me? You can’t build a place big enough for me to live in. You see, I made everything.” ’”
51Then Stephen told them straight, he said, “You mob are just like your grand-fathers of long ago. You don’t take any notice of God. You will not listen to him or do anything he says. You will not do anything the Holy Spirit tells you to do.
52God sent men to your grand-fathers to tell them his messages but they beat up God’s men. He got some to say that God will send his really good man to us, but they even killed those messengers from God. Then that really good man came to us, and you mob told the people to kill him. You were the ones that murdered him.
53You see, even though God sent his angel messengers to your grand-fathers to give you God’s law, you don’t listen, and you will not do anything it says.”
54The Jewish council men heard Stephen say this and they got really angry. They were so angry they were grinding their teeth.
55But the Holy Spirit controlled Stephen. He looked up into the sky and he saw God there, shining very bright, and he saw Jesus standing at God’s right side.
56Stephen said, “Look, I can see into heaven. Its door is open, and I can see God’s special man there in heaven. He is standing at God’s right side.”
57The Jewish council men heard this and they yelled out really loud. Then they covered their ears so they couldn’t hear Stephen. They jumped up quick and grabbed him.

Read Acts 7Acts 7
Compare Acts 7:14-57Acts 7:14-57